Discussion: Trump Jumps On Reports That Suspect In Colts Player Death Was Undocumented

Please , Mr Mueller, anytime now… Please?


US citizens do not not drive while intoxicated. The Wall will fix this.


and if previously deported , I would be curious as to how he re-entered.
Not across the border I suspect
and let’s ask the question , How did he support himself? Where did he work? Who turned a blind eye while paying him under the table?
Inquiring minds want to know


Utterly worthless and contemptible, this soulless grave-robbing ghoul. Every day he proves it.


Oh the dilemma this jackass must have faced. NFL’er who may have knelt and disrespected Old Glory…but, on the other hand…fell victim to an “illegal”. Quite the quandary for Orange Hitler.


The solution is clearly to build the Maginot Line on the US-Mexican border.


As long as he insists on dealing in hypotheticals… if Donald Trump had never been elected, the treasury would be 500 billion richer and the markets would not have lost a trillion since the beginning of February


Mueller? jk!

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Hey Donnie? What about that stock market crash? When are you going to address THAT?


Workers might have real wage increases, good health insurance, clean air and water, etc, etc, etc.

So why didn’t Trump mention Jeffrey Monroe, the other victim, in his tweets?

I hope someone asks SHS at the next WH press briefing.

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Oh, I guess this isn’t one of those “anything besides thoughts and prayers is an insult to memory, etc, etc,” tragedies.


Using Trump’s logic I guess we need to prevent people from becoming firefighters:

By: FOX4News.com Staff
POSTED: DEC 13 2017 07:09AM CST

CEDAR HILL, Texas - Police say an off-duty Dallas firefighter was drunk when he crashed into another vehicle early Wednesday and killed a teen driver and her unborn child.

The wreck happened about 12:45 a.m. in the 200 block of southbound Highway 67 in Cedar Hill.

The firefighter, Horace Shaw III, 45, was driving a two-door white Mercedes “at a high rate of speed” when it struck a Mazda SUV, authorities said. The force of the wreck ejected both people inside the SUV.

Cedar Hill police say the driver of the SUV was an 18-year-old young woman, Alyssa Pimentel, who was pregnant. She and her unborn child were killed in the wreck. Her boyfriend, Isaiah Perez, was also in the SUV but only received minor injuries. Police say she was hit as she was merging back into traffic on Highway 67 after dealing with a flat tire.

Police say their initial investigation leads them to believe both alcohol and speed were factors in the deadly wreck. Investigators were told that Shaw had been drinking at a bar in Dallas before the wreck. Shaw and a male passenger in his car suffered non-life-threatening injuries.


Donnie showing concern for the death of an NFL player! We’ll be hearing support from him for anthem protests any minute now, I’m sure. Unless… was he was instead exploiting the player’s tragic death for his own political gain? I know that’s hard to believe, but I suppose it’s possible.


He jumps on anything to try and distract from the stock market!

And in reply to someone asking if it was black monday


Now the media will have to report each time a crime is committed by a native born idiot or criminal.


Depends who you ask. :smile:

Well we all knew this was coming… so does this mean the next a drunken driver kills someone instead of putting them in jail will trump just deport them

“get tough on the Border”? Sure, no one would drive drunk with your idiotic wall right?
God damned moron couldn’t even muster a ‘thoughts and prayers’ before hitting the exploit button. What a disgrace to our country. After his impeachment, and after his sentences for money laundering and coordinating to rig an election are served, let’s deport this slob.