Discussion: Trump Jr. To Corey Lewandowski: Stay In Your Lane

“Back off Lewandowski! We can fuck this up all by ourselves. We don’t need your help!”


In regards to the Drumpf family, Jim Lahey said it best:



Actually, it can. (One of the more simple and effective plastic surgeries)

I don’t know if it’s his family, but it’s definitely someone in Drumpf’s inner circle that despise him or her, or both.

American Psycho, Jr.


Bristol Palin.

Trump money, silly…S-s-l-l-l-o-o-o-o-w-w pay.

lets not forget these cronie kids have not seen employment outside of daddy’s businesses and failures. He gave them jobs as CEOs.The NYT said Trump had actually filed for bankruptcies 6 times! Owed 2.5 Billion dollars to banks. It is the worst kind of example of the real world inflicted on his kids. If they follow his lead, they too will be failures like daddy like Lemmings

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…or is even stupider than we take them for.

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Probably Donald Jr.


Yes. Seems like a covert plea for help.


Just goes to show you that money doesn’t buy you class.

The only time Lewandowski has said anything critical about the Trump campaign since he was hired is to attack a personal enemy.

Bravo CNN. Great hire.

All things considered, that’s quite an achievement, and the only one they have to their name.

I go with stupid. Always seems to be the winning bet.


Oh he will, Jr. He signed that non-disclosure pact, right? AND, if reports are correct, he is still owed money by Daddy. OR, as I suspect, it is not severance but continuing employment $$ by the Trump campaign,

Corey Lewandowski’s response to Trump Jr., “Go get a rat, some sand, a funnel, and a hammer, and go pound sand up a rat’s ass.”

Translation: “Go fuck yourself.”

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