I was on his show. I don’t remember anyone this stupid.
Well, there was Art.
What darn thing did you say, ST?
I only watched Linkletter because I was waiting for Queen for a Day to come on…
Keeping your story straight is easier if you’re not an oblivious fool.
Also, trump & fox and company seriously overestimate the relatability of the trump kids.
He asked me what i wanted to do, and I said “build a house”. He asked, “how do you build a house?” and I drew an outline of a house in the air. Everyone laughed. I wasn’t asked back.
Sounds like you should have trained with this kid:
So it was like a Spelling Bee for back-row smart-asses?
Here’s the longer version:
But, he added, “There would be nothing wrong if I did say it, according to everybody that I’ve read today…"
This has already screwed him several times. I think maybe reading Breitbart, Alex Jones and FOX blogs just might not be a source of good info…
I’ve tried to find it on Youtube but the only things I ever found were a few clips in a Bill Cosby “Kids” special (yea, I know) with a short tribute to Linkletter’s show. His shows don’t seem to exist - Kinescope maybe?
Man, I’d say some of the darndest things to the Coz.
I talked this over with my teenager who has become an expert in parsing my words. I asked him what the difference would be between me saying “Take out the trash” and “I hope you’ll take out the trash tonight”. He stated, without hesitation, that the second was more threatening because it implied consequences and past failures to remember trash night. He then said that, when I say “We need to mow the lawn this weekend”, he knows I’m saying that he needs to get that lawn mowed!
He went on to say that he understands what it is to live under an authoritarian regime. I regret ever encouraging him learn to talk…
Sounds like Junior is due for a struggle session. A little self-criticism, just the ticket.
Often the star of a program would be given Kinescopes of every episode on 16mm film reels.
The Linkletter family could have these but don’t wish to front the cash to restore onto DVD for what might only be limited interest resale…
The problem is the Trumps can’t claim “Comey said I wasn’t under investigation - totally vindicated!!!” without conceding the veracity of the rest of his testimony. The smarter folks around Donnie (and I mean that only in relative terms) have realized this and chosen to keep quiet, but Donnie and his boys are ignoramuses and keep yakking. (They’re also enjoying the attention that daddy never gave them as children, but that’s neither here nor there.)
@spencersmom Koreans use a phrase that roughly translates to “let’s manage yourself better” when talking about celebrities who’ve done something stupid. I adore the bluntness of it.
The chronic case of Shaken Baby Syndrome that’s about to befall Junior is going to be one for the medical textbooks.
Donnie may become the first pro post-birth abortion PotUS before this is all over.