Discussion: Trump Jr. Has No Sympathy For Cruz

Headline could have been two words shorter at the end and would have been more accurate.


Great fun indeed. Especially if you don’t care about winning national elections. These guys are not and never will be ready for prime time.

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Sociopaths are incapable of sympathy. Just sayin’.



“People like to make the story and create the dialogue about disunity,” Trump Jr. replied. “The best unity I saw was everyone booing him off the stage.”

Way to pull the party together, Stubby Jr.

One of our two major parties has a nominee whose son thinks hating each other from within together is unity.

I wonder where he learned that.


All you need to know about this POS. A killed elephant’s tail next to a horse’s ass.


No sympathy? Aw jr., that’s going to come back at you, just like Teddy came back at papa Donny for callin’ him a liar.

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Looks like he forgot his anti-werewolf potion.

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Are there any Trump ties which don’t have the dollar store polyester look?


In response to sidney76…I’m nauseated. What a piece of work.

Killed a freaking elephant? The irony!


Finally…Dr. Arun Jhaveri: Because Science Belongs in Congress…

Even if you can’t contribute, just give a shout out to Washington State’s 7th Congressional District’s race…


Yeah he and his brother, the two sociopaths killed other beautiful animals on their “custom safari”. No doubt paid a fortune to have the Africans roust the animals right in front of them for the kill shots. Despicable beasts. The brothers, NOT the animals. Yes, the irony of killing an elephant should not be lost on anybody. Especially all those RWNJs at the convention–the largest gathering of persons who think the moon walk was fake and professional wrestling is real.

Two sick, selfish, sociopathic monsters. Just like their father:

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Please share these photos with as many people as possible. Important.

Uday and Qusay


How the heck do you give a prime time speech to someone who won’t endorse the nominee?

Cruz: As I have been saying, New Yorkers have no morals*.

*With the exception of Goldman Sachs, who employ my dear wife.