Discussion: Trump Jr: Cruz Did 'Phenomenal Job' Uniting GOP By Not Endorsing My Dad

everyone else who is a conservative in the country

So you got ~35% of the vote there. What’s the attraction for the rest of the electorate?

BTW, my 89 year old conservative, always voted Republican mother is voting for Hillary.


Cruz: That was my intention. I wanted to ensure those on the fence, need to go with Trump. I provided the needed impetus. If you go to Ivy league, like I did, you will understand. I sacrificed for the party.

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Junior is looking good for a HomeShoppingNetwork host job,where he can espouse the quality of cubic zirconia bling.

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I have been looking forward to the reaction of Drumpf to losing n November. I now think that the 3 kids will take it worse. All good, all good.


Trump Jr?

Just Sayin’


This being the worst part of the whole Trump campaign.
Being exposed to and having to endure his progeny who are little silver spoon Kardashian Class grifters .
Famous for no other reason than some errant Trump sperm.
Father has taught them all well how to be classless assholes .


The wealthy make their own logic and their own morality, and they’re dragging the carcass of the Republican Party along with them.


Trump Jr: Cruz Did ‘Phenomenal Job’ Uniting GOP By Not Endorsing My Dad

Disregard the delegates’ reactions.
It’s Cruz’s voters that Ted was messaging to.
I personally know of two Cruz voters who have loudly proclaimed they wouldn’t vote for either Trump or Clinton.

This was Ted’s way of telling them to stay home– I’ll take Hillary down in 2020.



Millennials are going to hate Junior…


In the cable news Pundit World, there’s an outburst of hurrahs for the Trump campaign for his cunning plan to let Cruz speak so close to the Veep nominee’s address that it has nearly obliterated Pence from today’s news cycle. The Pundits’ myopic viewpoint is all about how the delegates, Trump and his campaign mouthpieces responded to this “selfish” act by Cruz.

You see, in Pundit World all of those millions of Cruz voters (who might be just a litle miffed to see their hero and his wife being so badly mistreated) do not rate a mention. Instead the Pundits urge us viewers to take the word of Trump’s campaign manager who had spent the first days of this Convention telling us that Melania’s speech absolutely, definitely, unequivocally contained nothing lifted from Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech.

The most farcical Pundit pile of bulldust is their line regarding what terribly bad manners Cruz exhibited to go there and merely congratulate Trump and extol the virtues that Republicans supposedly worship instead of giving a mendacious and gutless endorsement of Trump. No awareness shown by these Pundits that the party which has invented the term “political correctness” to attack tolerant people has just demonstrated how vitriolic they are when someone doesn’t abjectly capitulate to their own politically correct demands.

Sadly, our MSM Punditry could not be any more shallow and out of touch.


It’s always Opposite Day in Trumplandia. Well they’re in for a wonderful awakening in November.
BTW: How bizarre and incompetent that the Trumpers’ didn’t have ironclad guarantees that Cruz would endorse before they would even let him anywhere near the stage.
#Unity…Unity Everywhere!

The headlines said it all. lmao

Cruz Buries Hatchet __ In Trump’s Back…

Report: Trump Team ‘Actively Whipped’ Uproar…

PHOTO: Trumps Frozen With Fury…

Cruz ‘Turned Away’ By Sheldon Adelson…

Christie Rages: ‘Awful And A Disgrace’…

Ivanka ‘Stonefaced’…

Peter King Lashes Out: Cruz ‘A Fraud And Self-Centered Liar’…

‘Forfeited All Right To Ever Be Considered For President’…

‘Vote Your Conscience’…

Delegates Go Nuclear…

‘One State Chairman Had To Be Held Back’…

Heidi Cruz Escorted Off Floor By Security For Her Own Safety…

Yup! There’s unity for you. That’s the unity that Trump wants to bring to the entire country.

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I guess that would fit into Josh’s ‘Trump’s Razor’ theory.

This whole thing has a sleazy WWE feel to it. The villainous defeated opponent takes over the ring to taunt the all-American good guy. The crowd goes nuts, hurling insults and giving apoplectic interviews to reporters. After the smirking loser slinks away, the hero steps into the ring to promise an even more spectacular ass-whupping to his low-life criminal opponent in the upcoming championship bout. The crowd roars. Patriotic music swells. Red, white and blue balloons shower down. The hero basks in the adulation while hoisting his gigantic championship belt buckle over his head for the world to see, his gorgeous trophy wife draped on his arm and gazing lovingly at his magnificent coif.


I also assume that Cruz will still be a Senator next year? If the Dems win the Senate, they’ll need to end the filibuster, because Cruz will try to stop both parties from getting anything done.

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Good god…the apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree does it? He is seeped in the ‘ick’ factor.

Yes, in Trump’s wrestling view he has set Cruz as the “heel” to Trump’s “face”, thus the anticipated booing and braying of the mob. In the primaries they both took turns being the heel.
Cruz’ calculation is more basic, as it’s just based on the odds, currently about 60/40. Better to run against Clinton for 4 years than have to deal with the mess that Trump will make of what’s left of the GOP if he wins.

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What campaign would put the second place loser on the stage at primetime, without a rock solid guarantee that he is going to endorse the candidate?

And they not only didn’t have that…they were given a copy of his speech ahead of time, so they knew perfectly well what he was going to say.

I sometimes really do wonder if they aren’t doing everything possible to sink the election.


Brilliant post, absolutely brilliant! When Nicole Wallace began spouting that drivel last night I just shook my head and laughed. These people were so physically threatening to this man’s wife that she had to be escorted out and these idiots think this is what unity looks like? The delegates in the hall are delegates for a reason. They are party hardliners. The people who need convincing are Cruz voters and moderates. Those folks have seen nothing, absolutely nothing this week to convince them to vote Trump. If there’s a bump, I bet it’s less than 3 points and I bet it fades immediately.