I also fail to see how this (failed attempt at a) joke is meant to jab at Northam.
So–not only was his joke a dud bomb, he failed even to get it over the target in the first place.
I also fail to see how this (failed attempt at a) joke is meant to jab at Northam.
So–not only was his joke a dud bomb, he failed even to get it over the target in the first place.
Just an average 12 year old at the cafeteria lunch table. Up next, Oval Office Scatological Humor goes prime time.
Oh good. Now we can focus on his ongoing bigotry in all its awfulness instead of the more important national security controversies over who the fuck he’s meeting with at Mar-a-Loco, like that Chinese Madame involved in prostitution and sex trafficking, who is potentially involved with the Chinese Government in influence peddling.
attendees were forced to place their cellphones in magnetized bags while at the clubhouse.
Since it appears that Donald Trump, American President and failed local-comedy-club-comic on a comeback tour, appears to save his best material for these private speeches, this is no surprise. His handlers must realize he might say literally anything.
And in response, the governor of Virginia breathes a sigh of relief. He told friends: “thank God for Trump. It’ll all blow over for sure now.”
…attendees were forced to place their cellphones in magnetized bags while at the clubhouse.
Did they also have to wear tinfoil hats?
It’s so funny I forgot to laugh. Asshole.
“They’re in blackface,” he said, making a cringe-worthy quip about the agent’s goggles and masks.
“Cringe-worthy” is Trump’s Secret Service code name.
Axios reporting that he also said that Democrats hate Jews. So I guess the Trumpsters have found their campaign slogan for 2020.
Each and every instinct of Trump is either selfish, awkward, creepy, inappropriate, stupid, unethical, amoral, immoral, illegal, grotesque, ill-mannered, or in any combination of all of these.
Of course the racist would say something this … racist and think it is okay.
The man is disgusting and loathsome and an a@@
This and his impression of Session’s southern drawl should play on a loop (with many, many other items). Preferably, the loop would be played for southern trump voters who then have to explain their undying devotion to this New York rich boy.
With luck future generations can save time and just use “trump” to indicate ALL of those descriptors.
I think he may entirely lack an actual sense of humor. Everything is an outgrowth of his grievance/revenge frame.
This kind of shit is the “it” like which it is, in the minds of Rump lovers who say they admire him for telling it like it is.
I have asked and never heard an affirmative response…have you ever seen Trump laugh?
Next at Trump speeches, signs telling everyone including press to leave cell phones, cameras, video equipment in the car.
But that will never happen, because his base and the sycophants he surrounds himself with all feel required to laugh at everything he says. It’s what every autocrat demands. I am king, so every pronouncement is divine, everything I say is glorious, every joke I tell is hilarious.
He’ll never get a true reaction to his misbehavior, because everyone he interacts with is an enabler - or else they get fired. The more he insulates his bubble with slavish followers, the less feedback he’ll get, until he thinks everything he says or does is very very cool and legal.
That’s why his base loves him. They totally identify. “He says what I think!”
@jwbuho One more leap of Trump’s mind(?) that no one can follow, but, if you’e in the audience, and the fake president is looking at you, you will howl with laughter. Yeah, Northam can relax.