Discussion: Trump: It's 'Possible' A Muslim Judge Would Be Biased Toward Me Too

A living, breathing, thinking judge would probably be biased against you. This man has such a thin skin.


Wonder if Drumpf has considered that his attacks on one judge will be considered an attack on all judges by any judge who might ever hear a case in which Drumpf is involved?


Shorter Trump:

Iā€™m a bigot. Nobody Iā€™m bigoted against can possibly judge me fairly! Anybody got a list?


This is greatā€¦line up the satire and ridiculeā€¦keep poundinā€™ the small Donaldā€¦


I still have no plans to sign up to twitter but how about #hewillbringusalltogethermyass?


Off topic but 51% of likely white female voters have a strongly unfavorable view of Trumpā€¦

Romney got 56% of the white female vote and he lostā€¦white females ā€¦largest racial gender groupā€¦
37% of the voteā€¦


People are saying John Dickerson is Mexican. Unfair. Sad.


This man is so BAD for America. He must be stopped!


I think the dope means biased ā€œagainstā€ him. No one but the conspiracy loving cretin hater bigots are biased ā€œtowardā€ him.


How is this not Andy Kaufmann in a Trump suit?!?!


ā€˜itā€™s possible a woman or gay judge would be biased against me tooā€™

I think he wants a judge wearing a white robe but as far as I know there arenā€™t any avowed KKK members on the benchā€¦


Donald v OJā€™s popularityā€¦the media is as obsessed with Donald as they were with OJ.


Ryan picked a heck of a week to endorse, didnā€™t he?

On a serious note, I think weā€™ve all known that the GOP is rotten to the core, but I have to admit that I am somewhat surprised that NO ONE except Sasse has come out and said plainly, ā€œNo.ā€ That is correct, isnā€™t it? I canā€™t think of any other elected official in Congress or the Senate who has said they will not support him. Their foresight is simply nonexistent. They are writing off generations of Hispanics and most likely African-Americans and Asian-Americans, too. Why hasnā€™t someone said, publicly or privately, ā€œFor the sake of our future viability, we have to lose this election and completely disavow Trump.ā€ Sure, youā€™d allow Clinton to win and lose the Court for a while, but it wouldnā€™t mean the end of your party. And I truly believe, especially after this past week, that Trump will be the end of it.

Call me the eternal optimist, but Iā€™m still not certain that someone high up (Iā€™m talking to you, Paul Ryan and John McCain) wonā€™t stand up and say enough is enough, perhaps even before the convention. I donā€™t see how any modern political party can hope to sustain itself on a platform of white power.


Why doesnā€™t Trump immunize himself against prosecution in all American Federal courts by simply announcing that he will dissolve the Federal Court system? then he could claim bias by all Federal judges.


President Trump will make it an executive order to be enforced by the 101st airborneā€¦absolute power
for an absolute dictator


Trump: ā€œI should be able to bring in my own judge. He will be the fairest, classiest judge. Trust me. I only bring in the best people. Trust me. I can do it. Only I can do it.ā€

I didnā€™t think it possible, but Trump is actually more loathsome, more despicable, sleazier and a bigger fraud than any TV evangelist.


So hereā€™s Trumpā€™s plan as I understand it. Piss off the entire world so it is impossible to get a fair judge or jury for any charges he might face and after he does that- get elected as President of the United States


Using this manā€™s logic, I no longer want to see a straight person preside over any cases involving gay people. No more whites presiding over cases involving black or inter-racial people. No more judges with military backgrounds presiding over those of us without military in our blood. No woman presiding over cases involving men. No male judges presiding over cases involving women. No more theists presiding over cases with us non-theists. No more non-theists presiding over cases with theists.

See how complicated that gets, Trumpites? Your man wants anarchy. He lives to pit us against each other ā€“ and we will not stand for it.


ā€œThe best judge money can buy !ā€