Discussion: Trump Isn't Practicing For Upcoming Presidential Debates, Naturally


There is only one possible reaction to this:


Perhaps the same family member who advised Donnie about the Cinco de Mayo taco salad faux pas advised him on this too.

(Of course, it makes sense if you are anyhow planning on weaseling out of it – why bother to go through the motions of prepping.)


To be fair, if I were going into a 100m race against Usain Bolt, I wouldn’t train either.

This is the strategy he used in the primaries and it worked.

What’s the point in studying briefing books if he can just make up anything on the spot and no one challenges him to prove it? Why practice when you have no idea what you’re going to do and - even if you did - wouldn’t remember the right words to say in the right order anyhow?

Why bother to learn when - if you tried your damndest from now till November - you couldn’t begin to grasp even a fraction of a single percentage of what your opponent understands comprehensively?

He’s running on personality, not fact.

He’ll lose on both.


he’s just going to wing it should he become president, yeah that’s just great. Exactly what I want in a president.


“Trump prefers to hold Sunday lunch meetings over bacon cheeseburgers at the Trump National Golf Club.”

Man’s not gonna last to November 8. A coronary will carry him off by October 15th. So it doesn’t matter how he does in the debates.


I wonder why they think HRC can’t debate? Or that she has a problem with “unscripted” moments? She’s great off-the-cuff.


The Amazing! Mr Trump is debating a crooked, sickly, aging, female statist. Why should he prepare?


The challenge for Hillary is to be smart and persuasive and presidential without appearing overbearing and the know-it-all a la Gore in 2000 (not that Gore was one, but Bush’s folksy ignorance made it appear this way). Trump allows her to set a low bar. Unfortunately, the expectations being what they are, Trump’s bar to succeed is at ground level.

Edit: And she must avoid getting down in the mud if he baits her with name calling. Let him strengthen his support with idiots who already support him while losing the moderates who do not.


Usually, I would take this line of reporting as a head fake, an attempt to lower expectations. This time though, “Naturally” sounds right. This guy can’t go through a 45-min interview without being distracted by TV multiple times.


Of course he does. We’ll get some lions lined up to join him on the floor of the stadium …


The difference will be his debate opponent. Hillary will challenge him. She’s not one of the Republican primary Not Ready For Prime Time players.


The guy who wrote Art of the Deal says Trump’s focus limit was less than 5 minutes.


It’s frightening to think that there is a significant percentage of the population who would actually vote for an ignorant, intellectually-lazy con artist for the Presidency. God, please get us through this ordeal!


Also, this will be one on one, not a 17 ring circus. I think that will be a bigger difference than it being vs HRC.


For Trump, it’s just not going to matter.

This isn’t going to be a debate for him: it’s going to be another opportunity to play to the “piss off a liberal” base, and from that perspective, he’ll do great: he’ll bluster and insult his way through yet another episode of his “Trump, The Candidate” reality show.

I suspect the Clinton camp knows this, and that she’ll aim to do two things: 1. soundbite-worthy, “please proceed” style replies for her social media stream, and 2. substance-filled responses for the wider audience, including folks on the right. They might not like her policy positions, but having heard them, they might be inclined to vote for the sane candidate.


"He thinks he won all the primary debates,” O’Donnell told the Post, but when it comes to Clinton "he can’t just name-call her and have a wrestling match for 90 minutes.”

The company name is “Amplify” (NYSE symbol “BETR”).

It’s a popcorn business with a $1.2 billion market value.

Its share price has risen 60% over the past six months.

But still lots of room for upward momentum through the debates.

Just sayin’…


Except the GOP knows the media will help them out. Trump will call Clinton various puerile names…“crooked”, “murderer” etc…and afterwards the Chuck Todds of the media world will immediately say (because the bar was set so low) “Trump won because Clinton was on the defensive, wasn’t she?”. Similar to what he said about President Obama after he flattened the Trump-shilling reporter who asked him about “rigged elections”.


I hope Hillary doesn’t see this article.
She could die laughing! I almost did, myself.


Yep, the 40% of people who didn’t do their homework in school, and just winged it.


I think he will try to avoid debating her. He knows her and knows she is intelligent and informed. If he thinks a zinger or two will save him he is mistaken.