The Minnesota Republican Party is a joke.
They nearly got kicked out of their party headquarters for not paying the rent, they have been constantly embroiled in personal vendettas and endless lawsuits against each other and contradict each other in the Press all the time.
They are at best a “Keystone Cops” organization in MN.
Obviously thet’ve been hoping Donnie would be declared dead due to a lack of brain activity. Sad.
“This is a non-issue,” Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said. “He is not running for president of Minnesota.”
Ballots are just words…they don’t matter.
Seriously though, this is some major league incompetence on display, all down the line. The Trump campaign should have had this taken care of months ago…the RNC should have already caught this via double checking months ago…the state party should have flagged this if the Trump campaign and the RNC missed it months ago.
Rigged by incompetence!
Shhhhh. Why are we even talking about this now? Let’s talk about it next Tuesday.
Betty reads between the patriotic lines…
The MN GOP is in the tank for Hillary.
Not unless Trump isn’t/wasn’t sure of hence Pence. Or the MN isn’t/wasn’t sure of hence Pence. Trump has changed words, campaign staff, wives why not running mates this late in the game?
There’s probably a 12-year old kid to blame for this.
The swabbies on board the good ship “Bankrupt-Sea” are about to turn that ship around any minute now…I can hear the horn blasting full steam ahead…
I only wish my ballot looked like the current Minnesota ballot.
The deadline for major party candidates to file to get on the ballot is Monday. For non-major party candidates, the deadline has already passed.
I’m curious about what led Minnesota to specifically define “major political party” in statute. Is there a sordid history of political parties in Minnesota?
Minnesota has voted Republican exactly three times since 1932—'52, '56, and '72—so I’d say they might as well save everybody the trouble and not bother getting Trump on the ballot in 2016.
Ha! I was going to suggest they hire him – maybe he’ll be more together than whoever they’ve got now.
hey, Rocky de la Fuente is on the ballot. He finished third in the Democratic primaries, you know. Maybe the MNGOP just fears Rockymentum?
Lord have mercy! I am increasingly unable to distinguish snark from reality. I have no problem believing a quote like this from one of HO’s spokespeople and had to see all the likes to realize, I think, that it was snark.
Introducing the new Trump Brand Self-Rigging Ballots…
He doesn’t feel he needs this one …
He’s just that popular ! —
The Trumpsters will get to it as soon as they get back from spending all that nice donor loot while on vacation. So it looks like Minnesota will just have to wait until Labor Day.
Btw, ‘someone told me’ that’s when the real deadline is this year.