Keep up the pressure good people, this hot mess is about to go critical.
Profiles in Cowardice.
I thought firing people was the one thing he was good at.
Bannon Had One Hell of a Run - Drudge
So did Son of Sam, I suppose.
And replace him with the comedy tag team of Duke and Spencer…
Doubt this was a secret, Brannon’s recent “accidental” interview seemed like future job positioning.
“I’m not crazy; Trump is!”
MSNBC is saying Kelly forced this.
Here’s are my two concerns:
- Kicking Bannon out of the White House won’t keep him from influencing donnie from the outside.
- Bannon is going to rally his over-armed, under-educated followers to bring the hurt and violence.
He’s gone. And now apparently he’s claiming he already resigned two weeks ago.
Missed headline possibility: Cannin’ Bannon
Bannon is stepping down to spend more time with his Einsatzgruppe.
As I posted elsewhere, Tramp is being forced to get rid of Bannon.
So is this the point when the split begins? Does Bannon take his Breitbarters and the Mercer money with him?
Should be Bannin’ Bannon
Trump’s tell: in his last presser (diatribe), when asked about Bannon’s status, Trump says, “We’ll see what happens”. That phrase is Trump’s “kiss of death”.
Steve Bannon´d From WH
I guess now we’ll find out if bannon has dirt on trump.
AND…“He’s a good man.” That’s a big tell from Derp Furor.
So now POTUS can be blackmailed by both Putin and Bannon.
Something about lying down with dogs and fleas…
Think Bannon is out for real. He will influence from the outside, but not having that guy in the WH is a win for #theresistance. He is toxic. I will say that I think his influence from the outside will be far less than people think. The GOP basically let him run the show from August-Nov '16 because they were locked in, and he seemed like the only guy who could get Trump back on msg. They are not going to let him run their congressional campaigns.
He’s an anarchist more than anything else. I expect that he will try to undermine a lot of the GOP establishment.
Paging Mr. Mueller…paging Mr. Mueller