Discussion: Trump Is Giving Dems The Edge In Even Their Tightest Senate Races

“Democrats’ job is a little tougher” would have been fine. You’re right, there should be no apostrophe on “Democrats” in your quoted sentence.


We all see different sets of ads-- based on all of your surfing habits-- everywhere on the web.
I never see Portman ads here BTW. Lots of merchandise ads–
as I do 90%+ of my shopping for manufactured goods online.


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Let’s then take HRC’s convention bounce as a parting gift from DWS. :wink:



I wonder how much of that money is from the Kock brothers.

Is it just me or does this ending sound weird…like it’s a positive article, but there had to be an anti-Dem ending?

Of course it is a long way to November. But, getting just to five seats is still problematic for Democrats. This was supposed to be the cycle that Democrats dominated Republicans as the party faces a deeply unfavorable map in 2018. At one point, some Democrats were talking about taking 8-10 Senate seats. Next cycle, nearly a dozen vulnerable senators are up for re-election in red states like Montana, North Dakota and West Virginia. It may require Democrats to look beyond their original map to places like Missouri, Arizona and North Carolina where Democratic challenger Deborah Ross just out fundraised Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) in the second quarter.

“It is important for Democrats to run up the score and not just win the Senate and that looks difficult at this point,” Kondik said.

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As with all presidential campaign cycles most Americans forget that it is NOT the president who will make or break a policy issue, but the members of Congress. Yes, a president can carry a party member into that group, but in the end, it is up to the candidate make their points with their constituents.If they fail to do so, then they will lose, no matter who is at the top of the ticket. This is how Obama stuck with gridlock and the Democrats lost the Congress - president was popular, but the candidates ran away from him and his policies. Instead of trying to run away from the top of the ticket, maybe Democrats would do well to drive a wider wedge between GOP moderate candidates Trump and offer them an alternative with Clinton as GOP lite and downticket candidates as moderates, not progressives. They may be progressives, but market them as moderates not radicals, and moderate Republicans will vote for them and Clinton. Unless the DNC starts recognizing that for many Democrats Clinton is just as bad as Trump, only being more experienced as a politician in DC, they may find in a month or so that these contestable seats are still solidly in the GOP camp. They can win the election and the Senate, but overconfidence at this point could be fatal.

Swinging 4 seats doesn’t assure a thing as to Democrat control of the Senate. Currently there are 44 Democrats and 2 Independents, Angus King and Bernie Sanders.

114th Congress (2015-2017)
Majority Party: Republican (54 seats)
Minority Party: Democrat (44 seats)
Other Parties: 2 Independents (both caucus with the Democrats)
Total Seats: 100


Sanders will hold legislation and votes hostage the same way Lieberman did. Joe Manchin sways so far from the reservation, with dismaying regularity, there is no way to count on him to cement a majority. If Democrats don’t enter the next Congress with 52>53 seats in their column it’s a recipe for gridlock and constant blackmail.


We will know the state of affairs better in early September, after the primaries. But right now, Rubio has a double digit lead over both leading Democrats.

Its a name recognition thing more than anything else I believe. Which just means we have to work all that much harder this fall.


Nope and most of the MSM still calls these registered Republicans “Reagan Democrats”

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I didn’t read it that way…but of course, I didn’t read the whole article as being particularly up beat for Dems.

Its factually correct…2018 isn’t looking like a good year, just based on the map. And we are looking to places like Arizona and North Carolina to rack up a few victories this time around. I am particularly interested in the NC campaigns…all up and down the ticket, not just Hillary, not just Ross…but all of them.

I have a feeling NC is the place to be this fall. Well,if you are a political junkie nerd like me, that is.


Obviously, I could be very wrong on this but I just don’t see Ross taking out Burr. Which is a damn shame. He’s flown far under the crazy radar and I’m not getting the sense that the mud that McCrory has heaped upon himself will necessarily go onto him. Like you say, NC will be one of the top places to watch in Nov.

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This year 24 Republicans are up for reelection to 10 for Dems. 2018 has the potential to be brutal, basically a flip of this election, with only 8 Republicans running to 23 Dems and both Independents. If Clinton is elected and Dems somehow flip the Senate there is a strong chance she may only have her majority in that body for half her term.
If SCOTUS justices are retiring and currently lean left they need to do it almost immediately upon Clinton’s inauguration if she has a Senate majority. A GOP Senate in 2018 will certainly go back to refusing SCOTUS confirmations for Clinton the remainder of her term.


Thanks for that context. Wish more TPM stories took the extra step to offer it …


I agree with your characterization about ruthless. Many of us (and I include myself) have spents months on this site expressing our opinions regarding this election cycle. I do believe HRC will win in November. But that is not enough. We need to give her a Congress she can work with and that means turning the Senate blue and making serious inroads in the House. What we need to do NOW is sign up to volunteer for HRC, participate in voter registration efforts, find a candidate that is challenging a Republican incumbent and donate and canvass. Be active. My voter registration is in Missouri. We have a chance to defeat Roy Blunt with the candidacy of Jason Kander and help take back the Senate.
I am watching Ken Burns’ “The Roosevelts” and after Franklin is elected he goes on a whirlwind of proposals to help get the country moving again. George Will is one of the commentators in the program and states that Washington, Lincoln and FDR were transformative Presidents. Hillary Clinton can be the next transformative President if Democrats seize the moment we have been handed.
I am 68 years old and I have waited since my first vote in 1972 (had to be 21 one then) for this monent. Put on the blinders and be focused on this opportunity. After Labor Day Americans will be paying more attention to the race -
And while posting here is cathartic at times it doesn’t change hearts and minds (although we should not give it up) committ what time and money you can to get out the vote. And remember campaigns are sophisticated animals today. Much can be done from your home. Sign up for email alerts and check it regularly.
If all of us here who have moanded and groaned about the state of politics in America would take action we can change Washington.


Disagree. The Senate must be more than 50/50.


Think Big. Our fantastic CalNeva hospitality-industry unions, #SiSePuede, are supporting citizenship and voter registration activities in Arizona, and will drive a GOTV ground game in November. Meanwhile Sheriff Arpaio is teaming up the the Wall-eyed Don o’Lantern to delver the motivation.

Arizona is ours. McCain is toast. (If only there were an American Independent Party candidate (proto-Tea-Party) on the Senate ballot. McCain might even come in third!

Think big. #SiSePuede.


Clinton is as bad as Trump - in what universe do you live. But whatever. There is so much in your post that is erroneous but if you really believe it not going to waste my time and energy pointing them out. You know what they are.

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I hate to be the pedant at the party, but if you want to be ruthless you want to shed all the ruth (“pity” or “compassion” when “ruth” was a word rather than just a name). Not muster it.


The problem I see with just having a 50/50 tie is we then have little chance of keeping the majority past 2018.


Dems only need four seats. That would make it 50 GOP, 48 Dem, and 2 Independent. Considering that the independents usually vote Dem, that would leave a tie which would be broken by the Vice President.