Discussion: Trump Invokes Roy Moore To Urge West Virginia Voters Away From Blankenship

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Trump - a “never Blankenshipper”…unless he wins the primary.

Remember Big Luther.




That he even has a chance tells you all you need to know about the electorate in WV.
I have a message for you Donnie:
“We’ll See”
Your megaphone racism will come back to haunt you Trump.


Some say that Blankenship has gained some momentum in his race against two establishment candidates in recent weeks, despite his many flaws.

Sadly, getting folks killed, prison time, and ethnic slurs are not flaws in the minds of many WV voters.


Tom Tomorrow nails SHS Every briefing she has ever given in 9 panels Enjoy


Moore and Blankenship: Birds of a feather.


Oh, now this is quite delicious. Donald Trump is the voice of reason! He gets everybody whipped into a frenzy, but when they start stampeding toward the precipice he becomes the sensible guy in the horror film who waves his arms and shouts “Wait, wait! Don’t stampede toward that precipi–oof!” as they trample him.


Perhaps the most telling panel is the “And then–” in the upper left corner, which starts the process over again. They simply push one bad news story off the front pages by putting another one in its place. Before one can be fully investigated, another one is dangled out there and the press obligingly complies in following along with the game.


Which means, of course, that if Blankenship wins the GOP primary, Trump will support him with every fiber of his being.
Who cares if Blankenship was responsible for the deaths of a bunch of miners? At least he wasn’t stalking teenage girls in a mall so he could get a commemorative pair of their lace panties! It’s not like Trump would ever support a perv like that!


I have to disagree with Trump’s assessment of the general election. If an ignorant bigot can win the Presidency of the United States, I see no reason why another can’t win a Senate race in WV.


Since being elected, is there any evidence that any of his (almost nil) efforts to campaign for candidates via tweets or robocalls have made an iota of a difference? The few campaign rallies didn’t - heck the first big one was for Luther Strange and interviewed attendees didn’t know or care about Strange - and Trump barely mentioned him either … but it was chalked full of self-congratulations and whiney/shouty grievances.

It seems to me that his direct action or inaction has negligible impact on these elections. That said - his spector is omnipresent making repub candidates act batshit crazy, and the dems don’t need to invoke him or the “I” word to motivate voters to try to stem the crazy emanating from Washington.


Forget about how horrible this person is personally and look at him from a fascist perspective. Trump fears him on that count alone. Blankenship has a Stallnesque quality to him that senile Russian hood Donald never will. One exudes strength and evil and the other is a cute little GOP clown car operator with ties to gangsters. .

Trump’s NeoNazis base could really get off on Blankenship if he ever got a hold on an office which propelled him to the Washington limelight. Boy, does the Conservative Movement attract the worst and darkest in society or what? Is this going to be another clash of the Red and White Russians yet again?


DJT ain’t wrong this time.

That’s a very big reason why his rallies have no impact. They are never about the candidate, its always about him. Hell, the rally he did for Moore wasn’t even in Alabama, it was in Pensacola. Why? Because he had lots of rallies there during his own campaign, and he liked it there.

That is pretty much what all of his rallies are…something the staff puts together to lift his mood by letting him relive his glory days of 2016, braying out his bullshit unopposed to a group of people selected to give him adulation.


Looks like the Avengers of Hamfisted Douchebaggery are having one of those catty internal tiffs that the movie critics find so charming.


Does Bship have dem support for the primary? Is Harry Reid doing this?

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yeah West Virginia - you keep on making a big difference, keep at it.

what slop

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“I created this death ray for peaceful purposes.”


Blankenship is a murderer. There are 29 West Virginia families who would happily see him dead.

Winning the primary would only reinforce the fact that republicans are an unreachable party of sociopaths.

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