Discussion for article #243826
So, Mitt Romney did attend the debate after all.
I thought it was Barbara Bush
Did CNN security beat him with clubs or set him on fire ? ? — The Don probably doesn’t feel very much at home —
She did say that, “We’ve had enough douches.” Or was it Bushes? Is there a difference?
The debate was televised so The Don hasta be on good behavior not his usual brownshirt self.
I just disrupted #GOPDebate 2 call 4 free & fair elections not billionaire auctions.
Perfect encapsulation of donald’s quest for the presidency.
but I thought it was il Douche for Trump, Hitler’s idol!
I just disrupted #GOPDebate
No you yelled from way back in the audience and someone near you recorded it on their phone. Folks on stage and watching on TV heard nothing.
Heckling Tronald is like getting an endorsement right out of Hell from The Gipper as far as the base is concerned. Tronald was involved in pro wrestling for a while (not as a wrestler of course) … this is mild compared to that action.
Absolutely. I really wish folks would understand that protesting his events only does two things: 1) results in you getting beat up and/or arrested. 2) guarantees Trump an uptick in the polls.
GOPers see these protests as proof that Democrats are scared, that Trump is resonating. Literally nothing else is accomplished.
Both apply fpr sure