Discussion: Trump Indicates He's Open To Path To Citizenship For DACA Recipients

“We’re going to morph into it. It’s going to happen at some point in the future.”

But not while anyone now alive walks the Earth.

If they do a great job, I think it’s a nice thing to have the incentive of, after a period of years, being able to become a citizen.”

You know, like winning a Medal of Honor or an Olympic gold medal, or being Miss Universe.

Oh, and he had his fingers crossed.


One of these paths? http://www.adventurestrong.com/hiking/top-10-longest-hiking-trails-in-the-world

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Why does this even deserve a mention? Who cares what he says? It’s like white noise. Everyone knows what he really is about.


Cockholster is open to a path to citizenship.
That’s nothing. Madoff was open to a 35% return on investments and Gacy was open to giving teens summer jobs.


I think it’s cute, in a pathetic way, that people actually think Trump saying something makes it even remotely possible he’ll follow through, unless it involves money for his family and/or a chance to demean someone or, better yet, an entire segment of society.

Giving dreamers a path to citizenship does neither, so the chances that he’ll lift a finger for it to happen are zilch. It may happen, but not because he gives a shit about it.


You would think that by now, with Trump repeatedly using his bait and switch tactics, the the media would learn how to report properly statements like this.
But no.


If Trump did right by the dreamers and made a deal, his base would go along. Hannity, Limbaugh, and the entirety of Fox News would back him immediately. Ann Coulter, Mark Levin, and Laura Ingraham would pout for a few days and then resume blowing him. Trump could have this political victory, but he’s too lazy and cowardly to get it.


As with Cobb, flunkies walk this one back in 3…2…


But what does Pres. Miller thinks ?


The headline should read:
"Trump Indicates He’s Open To Path To Citizenship For DACA Recipients this minute "
Please check back for updates and position shifts


The unsaid message here is that according to news reports… Trump made these comments soon after a meeting with John Kelly and now Axios is saying that Kelly is not going to Davos with Trump.

This seems like Trump is trying to send a message to Kelly in his mean cruel playground bully kind of way… This is not so much about policy changes so much as it is about Trump reacting to the discovery that he had been played.


Yes, as long as that path includes a long walk off a short pier, since Trump is such a fucking humanitarian.

Doesn’t matter what he “indicates”. Wait an hour. It will change.


Give trump the money for the damn wall if it means DACA is protected. Hurry though before Sen Cotton gets to him. trump changes his mind whenever someone tells him different.

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The Schumer-Durbin approach is working. Dems got out of the shutdown in good shape. The GOP took most of the blame. Trump has taken the bait on all the negative publicity he’s getting about DACA and has now re-floated the idea of a path to citizenship. This puts pressure on the GOP. Part of this is about the fraying Trump-Kelly relationship. Trump made those statements after leaving Kelly’s office, and the NYT reports that Trump really wanted to show Kelly who is boss. He is angry about Kelly telling the Dems that Trump really didn’t understand the issue of the Wall or immigration.

The deal to be made is: wall for a pathway to citizenship and legal protection for DACA recipients. Dems can convince their members in the House to go along with that. The border security pieces will not likely be anything different than Dems agreed to in the Gang of 8 bill.

However, the House GOP is not interested in the Wall. They know it’s a useless concept and now represents a shiny object that the Dems are using to distract Trump into unwittingly giving the Dems what they really want: to release the DACA hostages and end the limbo they’ve been in for years. The House GOP wants deportation and an end to family unification (chain migration as the GOP has pejoratively coined the concept where families actually get together).

The problem for the House GOP is that family reunification restrictions will not pass the Senate (and I even doubt that they’d pass the House). Such restrictions would destroy the US economy. It’s bad enough that we’re locking ourselves out of trade deals (with an assist from Bernie Sanders who spread that anti-trade bullshit in our caucus), but if we can’t bring talented immigrants over w/their families, they won’t come and half of our business or more would basically fall apart.

So I don’t think there will be a deal. Trump will either start deporting people or issue a new EO to cancel the old one and keep DACA in place. However, the good news for the Dems is that I think Trump may have unwittingly done enough to help get a floor vote on Durbin-Graham.


Yeah…right AFTER we give him billions for the ‘wall’…which will never get built…but the money will ‘disappear’ somewhere in consultant fees etal. Because you know, Donnie knows building…and grifting…and lying.

Dozens of deals will be made after we repeal and replace Paul Ryan.
Not before.

Wise to avoid Gun Control.
Better to lose a few children’s lives each month than to risk the wrath of the NRA.

I live in an affluent area that’s becoming something of a high-tech corridor and anecdotally I can tell you the medical and technological fields generally are aswarm with young Asians. If I go out to an Indian restaurant for lunch I see dozens, scores of them. If you get medical attention it’s unremarkable by now that it’ll be from a young woman in a headscarf. If they were abruptly sent back it would be a catastrophe, common sense tells you that.

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