I guess the only thing we should take seriously about this administration is the utter havoc it’s poised to wreak.
He wants a “beautiful” press?? I didn’t think I could reach this degree of embarrassment.
“You GUYS! You have to stop taking what I say, do or think seriously!”
The standard bully trope…why can’t you take a joke, I was just kidding…
“too seriously?”
Yeah, this whole violence in politics and media trope is a bunch of fake news. Just ask Steve Scalise.
So long as you have the Secret Service and your own personal brownshirts, nobody can so much as lay a finger on you. What’s the big deal?
Because of him, the rest of the world isn’t taking the US’s word on anything seriously.
I’d say this is all getting pretty old.
Except that it got old, oh, a year ago (if not not longer).
This man is a menace. He wants a “fair” press, not an accurate one. If someone reports the truth, he wants a lie reported to balance it. There are, of course, two sides to every story, one of which is almost invariably wrong.
Amazingly, Politico posted an article yesterday saying that the European trip was his ‘second chance’ to pivot to being presidential. Jesus F. Christ on a burnt waffle. Either gluttons for punishment or just dumber than a sack of hammers.
Watched about 5 seconds of his presser. Such an embarrassment.
“What we want to see in the United States is honest, beautiful, free, but honest press, we want to see fair press. I think that’s a very important thing,” he said. “But we don’t want fake news, bad thing. Very bad for our country.”
Reporter: Just how beautiful would you like the press to be?
Donnie: Very, beautiful. Very, very, very beautiful!
My money says he’ll blow it…again.
I know, it is just like the Blacks, Gays and Women who don’t get the joke when people use words like “n!gger.” “f@ggot,” or “c#nt.”
Can someone in the press ask him if he understands that as the president, his words are meant to be taken seriously, and that maybe he should internalize that? Not that it would do any good, but we are far beyond the point where he needs to be treated like the man-child he is rather than assuming he is a rational actor with motives beyond instant gratification.
Gag. The press is falling all over themselves this morning with ‘at least he didn’t step on his dick’ moments…how low the bar is set.
Just another “joke.” Too bad he doesn’t have a sense of humor. He is a pathetic excuse for a leader of our country and for a human being.
And also this.
“As the Polish experience reminds us, the defence of the West ultimately rests not only on means but also on the will of its people to prevail,” Mr Trump said.
“The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive.”…
Instead, he said, Russia should “join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and in defence of civilisation itself”.
Very alt-right stuff here
Trump and May mocked in Hamburg.
“What we want to see in the United States is honest, beautiful, free, but honest press, we want to see fair press. I think that’s a very important thing,” he said. “But we don’t want fake news, bad thing. Very bad for our country.”
I suppose surgical strikes on a limited list of high profile targets would get everyone else in line.*
*Not snark.
Well I think Donnie and the Pubes took Kathy Griffin way too seriously.