Please send Rudy! Please?
remember to bring some ballots along !
Wait, they’re going to investigate his self-dealing charities? His bribing Pam Bondi? The Mar-a-Lago membership fees?
This isn’t how this works, Donald. This isn’t how any of this works.
“Trump: I’m Sending Lawyers To FL To Expose ‘FRAUD’!”
Be sure to include Geraldo.
He can host the opening of The Fraud Vaults live.
I guess they finally finished their work in Hawaii exposing the fraud of Obama’s birth certificate.
DON’T WORRY FLORIDA. I’ve got Dewey, Chetum & Howe on their way as we speak!
(h/t to the Three Stooges.)
Matt Whitaker to the rescue!
I’m sure they will find amazing things.
I thought that was from Car Talk…or did they nick it from the Stooges?
I could have sworn it was from the Stooges but I could absolutely be wrong about that.
The comments remains as is. I regret nothing.
When you can win by losing by 3 million votes why should we even count them?
As soon as they get back from HAWAII !!!11111!!!
It’s the same ‘crack team of investigators’ he sent to Hawai for Pres. Obama’s birth-certficate.
@squirreltown damn, you beat me…
“I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re finding,” Trump told host Meredith Vieira.
“You have people now down there searching, I mean in Hawaii?” she asked.
“Absolutely,” he replied. “And they cannot believe what they’re finding.”
Oh Florida – remember, remember 2000 November
[quote=“brooklyndweller, post:12, topic:80515”]
I could have sworn it was from the Stooges but I could absolutely be wrong about that.
The comments remains as is. I regret nothing.
Better yet: " I know you thought you heard me say tit was from the Stooges - which I actually did but did not say - and I was right not to say that because a lot of smart people - much smarter people than you, I tell you - have said it was from the Stooges. These Car Talk guys I never heard of. Who are they? Something the Dems invented no doubt. But no, I knew all along it was Click and Clack, so that’s why I said it."
“Send lawyers, guns and money, the shit has hit the fan.” by Warren Zevon. Best sums up this administration and the toadies and zombies that support it.
Borowitz as always…Nails It!
Rick Scott Accuses Democrats of Trying to Thwart G.O.P.’s Successful Voter Suppression