He’s starting to look like death warmed over. Isn’t it glorious?
isthisrob, what are you thinking? Of course, we all love our dear leader.
It is a recurring theme with him. Everyone must like him. He must have a bond with them. It is pathetic for this man-child to be so damaged and have it all there for the world to see. Every time Trump opens his sphincter of a mouth he revels his stunted emotional world.
I knew she was gay friendly and I also knew she drank a lot. She sounds like she was a lot of fun but I always got the impression that happened mostly after she became Queen Mother instead of Queen.
The Queen may not be allowed to have quite that much fun. hahaha
Kinda looks like it, doesn’t it?
I’m pretty sure that incongruous physical acts in social situations can point to the onset of dementia. I read that… right here as I wrote it, but still…
It certainly did with my father in law.
Is it just me or is Donnie starting to bigly win the “girth” battle from Chris Christie?
Hope they reinforced the floors in the Oval Trailer.
He’s a perv.
If you say it, I know you believe it.
Yeah he is. {shudder}
So given a choice of groping Melanoma or a Marine, both within equal range of his tiny grasping fingers,
Donnie goes for the halls of Montezuma, not the shores of Nippley.
Of course first he would have to find some moderate Republicans. A time machine might be necessary.
Looks like Malaria is lusting after that Marine.
Can you blame her?
I’m not tired of the winning just yet - keep it up, Donnie.
Albert Burneko’s brief at former Gawker is to teach men how to properly cook meat and use the “f” word.
So in deference to our prudish vegans, I will post a link to his mostly-clean civics lesson here.
I was wondering if he had a Kellyanne at the inauguration flashback.
Is that because he actually never graduated Trump University??
Thanks for the reminder to move some of my IRA into cash before the inevitable Trump crash!