June 12, 2017 – American student Otto Warmbier returns home in a coma after spending 17 months in a North Korean prison and dies a week later.
What a sight it will be. Two tyrants with bad hair and paunches talking past each other for the duration of the meet up.
What trump is demanding from NK is no different then what the world asked of Iran…think about that…trump is overestimating his leverage in these talks due to his ignorance and it will backfire when he finds he cant force NK to act outside of its own self interest…
I’ve yet to read of anyone making a serious case Kim Jong-un can actually go to his military and those in the ruling party and inform them he’s going to order the destruction of all their nuclear weapons and precursor materials. Without getting killed or imprisoned that is.
They will share, jointly, the “Nobull Piece-of-Work Prize”
Wanna bet he calls him Chairman Un?
Among, Kim, Pompeo and Trump, these are bound to be some “weighty” discussions. Add in Mike Huckabee and the conference room will sink down to the Morovičić Discontinuity.
On a serious note, it would be great if we don’t end up in a nuclear engagement with the NoKos, but I hope someone gets through to these two assholes, the Norskies ain’t gonna give either of them the NPP. The Norwegians have been burned before on this.
Trump wants to wage a war so badly the anticipation is killing him. I’m betting he has people whispering in his ear it would be a perfect rallying cause and distraction to have an armed conflict occur a few weeks before the midterms. He’s also famously claimed if the N. Korea talks went sideways he’d just stand up and leave. It’s not illogical to think Trump (or those in his camp) hopes this meeting is a disaster.
Any grammarians here?
Is that the correct use of the word “myself”? It seems the word is commonly being used incorrectly.
Bet Xi told Kim to cool it for a few years because there is someone even crazier on the world stage right now.
China thinks long term.
Well, I says to myself say’s I, @thebigragu raises an important point. And then, I says to myself, that folks often use “myself” when they don’t know know whether to use “I” or “me”.
I really want to know who from the administration will be in the room with them so Donnie doesn’t royally f_ck it up. Contrary to Donnie’s braying, he is a sh_tty negotiator and deal maker.
I’m interested to see what will happen in the months to come. There is no way Kim lies down for the US.
The English-Korean translator will take care of whatever bowdlerising, euphemistic word replacement, and syntactical cleanup comes up. — Count on many aspects of the meeting being closed to the press. There is no way anything, except a final joint statement, gets live reporting by our media. Likely we will learn more from the Asian Press than our own unique brand of churnalists.
Here’s a theory that just came to me.
Un knows he’s done wrong and deserves a lot of punishment if not death, but thinks maybe he can get off scot free if he lures Donald in and assassinates him, thus saving the world from an even bigger threat than Un’s N. Korea, Donald.
I’m not kidding, it just came to me in a vision…in a beautiful vision!
Edit: Oh and another. Think of the temptation to take out the two worst world leaders at the same time in one fell swoop! Ok Donald’s the worst, got to let him be number one at something once in his life!
It’s correct. But I’d wager some aide edited it in because Trump originally had it as “the meeting between Kim Jong Un and I.” Kudos to the aide for recognizing wrongly used subjective case – which virtually no one understands anymore – though me would have done. But I suppose that wouldn’t have been showy enough for a Trump statement on bringing peace to the World.
Oh get the hook.
I only wish Kim’s first public words to Trump are, “Can you get an autograph from Stormy Daniels for me?”
Thought that Kim Jong Un adamantly would not get in a plane - or a ship - he has a special train that he will take for highly secured unpublicized trips -
Distance from North Korea to Singapore is equal to 3,067 miles.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, October 25th, 1952:
“I shall go to Korea.”
Donald Trump, May 10th, 2018:
“The highly anticipated meeting between Kim Jong Un and myself will take place in Singapore on June 12th. And I will be sure to make certain everything is FUBAR.”