So he’s gonna take his golf ball and go home. Will he also shut up?
Sadly, it’s about as believable as the rest of his promises.
Oh, Donnie. You and Pete King – you’re both such teases.
“I don’t think I’m going to lose, but if I do, I don’t think you’re ever going to see me again, folks. I think I’ll go to Turnberry and play golf or something."
That's probably welcome news to the RNC. Failed nominees are usually still depended upon to whip up support for party policies, fund raise and tout candidates for other offices. Since about 80% of the populace when polled expresses the desire for Trump to simply go away it's nice to see he's planning on doing just that.
Is that a promise? Will you really disappear from public life never to be seen again?
Yeppers, just like Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent.
Beat me too it . His ego is so uuuuge he would never be able to avoid clambering for the spotlight. Once he loses to Hillary he will spend the next 4 years railing against the Republican party and Hillary. He will be further tanned and rested as will the rest of the Klown Kar ®™ and we will be subjected to the whole gruesome charade again.
You heard it here first
HAHAHAHAHAHA…oh DONALD! You’re such a card. Never SEE you again? Hell that would be WORTH defeating you. You can’t leave your big mouth shut long enough to ‘go away’…
GOP: That’s music to my ears.
And NBC for taking him off the air. And Schwarzenegger for taking his old show. And Univision for not carrying his stupid livestock parade. And Sarah Palin and Dennis Rodman for failing to deliver voters with their endorsements…
He will get the rethug nomination then lose to a gurl!!!
It’s gonna be great.
Please! Please! Please!
Promises!!! Be still my beating heart.
Hmmm. Sounds familiar. November 7, 1962. Nixon’s famous “last press conference” after he lost the election for Governor of California to Pat Brown.
To the assembled press, which he notoriously hated: "“you don’t have Nixon to kick around any more, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference.”[1][2]
Classic Trump as narcissist. It’s all about him. He’s not interested in how he can help his chosen political party prevail, nor is he interested in how he can serve his country. He’s only interested in winning, in order to satisfy his ego.
bye buye Trump
If you were on the fence, here is your motivation to vote Democrat.
Actually when he loses, he’ll turn it into a money machine ala Palin for as long as the suckers will have him. May be short lived since he won’t have Fox.
didn’t Nixon say the same thing when he lost for governor in California?