If the general really is Trump vs. Clinton he is going to get .036% of the female vote. He just can’t stop saying stupid stuff like this.
And so, it begins…
His last words will be his Last Words.
And if Trump were a woman his net worth would be about 7.5 billion instead of 10. Come to think of it, if Trump were a man, he wouldn’t be making such patently misogynistic remarks about any woman. Chauvinistic prick.
Prediction: Before the campaign is over, Trump will endorse his supporters calling Clinton a c*#t, in the same way he greenlighted calling Cruz a pussy.
It’ll be interesting to see the exit polls after the November election for the numbers of Republican women who voted for Hillary. It’ll be considerable, I bet.
“The only thing she’s got going is the woman’s card and the beautiful thing is women don’t like her, okay?” Trump added, to cheers from female supporters in the audience at Trump Tower.
I know it’s Trump…but does this make sense to anyone? So is Hillary winning male votes with the “woman’s card”, but not actual women?
I hope Trump can take it like a man when Clinton kicks his ass.
Think “Idiocracy.” Then it makes perfect sense.
Recalls the legendary exchange between Golda Meir and a male opponent:
Him: “Your great misfortune was that you were born without a penis!”
Her: “A misfortune I wish I could bear as well as you.”
Ok I can’t help my self Stupid is as stupid does, and this dumb son of a bitch does and does.
Donald on Hillary: “The beautiful thing is women don’t like her, okay?”
Cliven Trump: “And let me tell you one more thing I know about the Women….”
Are you OK man?
My God you look to be in shock.
It’s true. She wouldn’t get 5 percent, if you want to get all technical and mathy about it. She’d actually get a bit more than she’s already getting.
Trump then quickly exited the stage to the strains of the Rolling Stone’s “Start Me Up.”
Looks up lyrics.
You make a grown man cry,
Checks out.
no chance. he’ll sue.
There were women in that audience. I felt a rage for each one. Whatever their feelings they had to be akin to those of Curt Jurgens in the cabaret scene in a May Britt film, “The Blue Angel”. For my daughter, my mother, my wife…
I feel…
Why sociology? Sociology is the only thing which can explain the incredible illogic by which this sociopath is one election cycle away from destroying the United States. Historians and sociologists can routinely explain things like The Inquisition, Auschwitz and the Trail of Tears.
Something like that is happening before our eyes. I do not believe that the United States will be able to stop it.
I do not.
trump is going to have his ass handed to him. he is a wonderful asset for the dems down ticket. i’m not sure why you think his following is all that deep. women hate his sorry ass and a woman is going to chaw on it in the debates.
I hear ya only too clearly. But… look at the actual numbers, not the percentages, of the votes. Recall that this is a Republican primary, not at all representative of a general election. Reps are what, 22% of the population? And Trump has half of them, or a bit less–with far, far fewer voters than Hillary and Bernie. So about 11% of the US Republican population. Now, I’m sure some Reps who didn’t vote for him in the primary will in the general. say that puts it up to oh, 18-19%. And a handful of Independents will shuffle to his side, some libertarians and such. Does this sound like a workable campaign to you? I don’t think the Zeitgeist is now for Donald Trump… I think winning the nomination is going to be his only triumph here. That and totally trashing what’s left of the Republican Party and giving a noble assist to Dems trying to retake the Senate and just maayyyybe even the House…
Now go read Josh’s editorial about the millenials… The youngsters will be our future, and some already are.
Don’t despair.
I am reminded of this scene from Big Bang Theory