Does this dolt know that he’s President?? He will be “honored???” It’s one thing to try for a diplomatic solution—but he simply can’t say crap like this! HONORED??? Really!!!
“If appropriate” suggests he’s getting used to being corrected.
“I would be honored” of course is today’s ‘pants on fire’ from Orange Occupant. I think what he is really saying is : I would take great pleasure in vaporizing you.
President Donald Trump on Monday said that he is open to meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un under the right circumstances.
Until then, meeting Duterte will have to do. And I’m “honored to do it.”
Except for the word “honored” I don’t have any problems with his response. He seems to be edging toward blowing the hell out of North Korea. That could end the lives of a hundred million people or so. I would rather Trump talked to Kim than nuked him.
…and in other news-----Trump proclaims May 1st as Loyalty Day--------which coincides with Russia’s MayDay celebration?
Apparently something like “Patriots Day” was already taken?
He is such a dictator-wanna-be.
I’m proposing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would require a basic civics and sanity test for any would be Presidential candidate. We frickin’ need it!!
Oh, for fuck’s sake…this is a man that would be ‘honored’ to meet with Adolf Fucking Hitler if he were alive today…just to shoot the shit and share some strudel with…
I am so sick of this monster as our so-called President. How many more days are there until he goes??? I won’t last.
I agree with you in principle. However, the U.S. President cannot say that he would be “honored” to meet Kim Jong-Un. He can say, “I look forward to constructive diaolog with…” or “I’m interested in discussing the issue and coming to a peaceful resolution” or even “I can totally out-negotiate Mr. Un*, as you already know. Many people are saying it.”
Only a President completely ignorant - 10-minute history lesson from President Xi notwithstanding - of the history and culture of Asia would claim that there is “honor” to meeting the dictator of DPRK. Because “honor” has much more meaning in that part of the world than it does, anymore, here. This is not going to go over well in South Korea. You know, our steadfast allies on the peninsula.
My significant other is from Seoul, and her brother and I speak often on our countries’ relationship. I’m keen to hear how pissed off average Koreans are after this latest episode of the Trump Shitshow.
*I know; but Trump almost certainly does not, or did not, before somebody with a junior-high education had to explain it to him
Trump: I don’t care who it is. If I can extract money or approval from them, I’ll make a deal - any deal.
Chiselin’ Trump: “I would be honored to eat your young children, if appropriate.”
This whole “honored” horseshit… is there anything in particular T-boy needs a big distraction from right now?
Is it just the 100-days face plant?
Let me rephrase that, is there anything new? He seems to be in overdrive right now spewing out particularly inflammatory crap (re: civil war, first amendment, etc.)
Is it his epic fail to get his priorities into the budget?
From Josh:
It’s also a dead giveaway that he’s not saying it in front of an audience, from whose reaction he would have already determined whether or not it was appropriate.
Honored? Honored to meet with a man who continually threatens to reduce the United States to ashes?
Even if it is not a credible threat, why would Trump use the word “honored”?
It is beyond comprehension.
…and dynamos do hum.
I’d be happy to arraign a meeting between Trump and the alien in “Alien”, if appropriate.
which pussy would grab the other’s
‘Honored’…he still has no understanding that words have meaning. And there’s a strange magic between him and dictators/dictator wannabes.