So, what’s the name for the new arm of the government that supports struggling dictatorships? Will it be a part of the State Department or it’s own branch?
I am sure if Trump and Kim Jong Un will understand each other very well, they will probably not get along , as spoiled brat toddlers seldom do. But Trump will be mighty impressed that Kim can just order the execution of anyone that pisses him off. He should talk to Rincewind Priebus to make sure that gets included his 1st amendment changes.
And yet if he could meet Frederick Douglass, he could meet Jackson too.
More to the point, if Trump would be “honored” to meet with the despot Jong-Un, who murders his own family members, why was he not so “honored” to speak with democratic allies like Angela Merkel, Trudeau, Nieto, and the Aussie Prime Minister Turnbull (whom he called “Trumbull”)? I think we need Xi to explain to him proper diplomatic jargon protocol between addressing adversaries who do not share American values and allies who do.
I"m thinking more of Dennis Rodman in Pyongyang.
"But can’t you see ? He is black " (apologies to ‘Blazing Saddles’)
I’m not opposed to the U.S. meeting with leaders or representatives from NK. A diplomatic solution is better than armed conflict. That’s what Obama said about Iran in 2008 – that pressure alone was not working and this idea that we can’t talk to them is just plan foolish (a “keep your enemies close” policy). I agreed with him on that, and I still think that’s the best approach. NK needs to be integrated with the rest of the world.
That said, Trump is especially drawn to brutal dictators. He’s fascinated. “Honored” to be in the presence of a man who achieves and holds power by force – using both torture and state-sponsored propaganda to hold sway over the populace. He’d like to rub shoulders with Duterte, even as he shuns Merkel and disdains to treat her with even basic respect. None of this is surprising…but that doesn’t make it less horrifying.
“President Donald Trump on Monday said that he is open to meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un under the right circumstances.”
Oh, it’s inevitable they’ll meet.
Of course, “the right circumstances” will involve a lake of fire, sulphur fumes, and a guy named Baphomet.
Don’ ovethink this, he is attracted to ‘absolute power’ (AKA the Owner and CEO as President)
“Let there be a Wall” and they build a wall, instead of all this nonsense about financing…
But he’s not a politician. He’s a cult leader.
If literally anyone else on the planet said they would be “honored” to meet a murderous, psychotic, dictator, they would be a political pariah overnight.
Yet Trump has done it TWICE in one week! First with Duterte and now with Kim Jong Un.
Owner and CEO as President
No, that’s different. Owners and CEOs operate within a legal framework. There may be a hierarchical organization (but not necessarily). But having the right to fire people is qualitatively different from having the sovereign right to torture people.
Him, Kim, and Duterte. Three of a kind.
A pair of bookends. There would never have been so much insanity in one room since they closed the large mental institutions in the 80’s.
“if appropriate” = if he’s still alive after I bomb the shit outta NK.
I’d take it because i think he is incapable of pronouncing “Ramzan Kadyrov.”
Agreed, and I think Trump is attracted to the first, and not the last…
You might want to rethink that one. I think he’s had some practice with Russian names…
What I’m saying is that he’s fascinated by brutal dictators, drawn to them. He’s said so twice now. There’s something there. Something that should not just be brushed aside as…that’s the businessman talking.
So he heaps abuse on or pisses off our long time allies (e.g.the Prime Ministers of Canada and Australia), yet offers to meet with strongmen and dictators, even those actively developing ICBMs and nuclear weapons while threatening to use them against us.
Wow, just wow…
Frank Zappa was right. The torture never stops.
You know how the press runs photos of past and current President gatherings? The kind that honor the dignity of the office. Why do I envision a photo of Argent Orange, Putin, Duterte, Un and name your dictator replacing that?