Pretty sure this is a feint of some sort. It could be an attempt to move goalposts and mitigate criticism at his failure to get something passed … but I have a feeling that it’s more about trying to instill false confidence in critics and activists.
Again, it could be my naivete or lack of guile, but I feel the House’s approach is instructive in terms of how the party of 1984 plans on legislating. Provide some false talking points about ‘fighting for medicare’ to trick the gullible into accepting the ‘yes’ vote of a ‘moderate’ senator, then cramming it through.
Trump seems to have an innate talent for putting “I’d much rather be somewhere else right now” expressions on the faces of people around him. Starting with his wife and son. It’s just amazing. No one can do it better.
Every state is different, every senator is different. … We had close to 50 of them, we have 52, …
Holy crap, DT apparently learned more about the senate today than he has in his entire life. He’s going to need a nap after cramming all those facts in.