Discussion: Trump: 'I Think We’re Going To Get At Least Very Close' To Passing Health Bill

And hand grenades :smiling_imp:

“So we have a plan that if we get it approved, it’s very tough. Every state is different, every senator is different." Trump said thinks the bill has “a chance to be a great health care at a reasonable cost.”
“We’ll see what happens. We’re working very hard, we have given ourselves a little bit more time to make it perfect,” Trump said. “We’re sending a lot of it back to the states, where it belongs, and this will be something really special if we can get it done. Always tough. It’s probably the toughest subject from the standpoint of approval because every state is different, every state has different needs.”

The presidential gibberish that proves, as he said in his morning tweet, that he’s “fully engaged in healthcare” and “knows the subject well.” Not only that, he describes the complicated issues and the legislative provisions with such absolute clarity that even a child could understand.

Fuckin’ putz.


Atlanta Falcons : we got at least very close to winning the super bowl


Shorter Trump: Why cant Electoral College gets to decide TrumpCare bill. Popular vote is so… passe.

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I thikn he’s basically refuses to held accountable for outcomes…and doesn’t care “Its going to be great”

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In the pic accompanying this story, Trump is eyeing IA Gov. Kim Reynolds’ glass of water like “I just gotta …gotta move it!” It appears it’s taking all his will to not move the glass.

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The President said Obamacare is “essentially dead” and called it a “headache for everybody” and a “nightmare for many,”

Republicans in general and Trump in particular just don’t care what the truth is, they have believes and that’s what’s true regardless of any evidence. It’s the same regardless of the subject, politics, economics, religion, science, et. al.

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Close walks.

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Can’t wait for the meltdown

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If “We’re sending a lot of it back to the states, where it belongs," then there is no need for a federal plan to get approved. That means there is no need for you and the GOP senators to be “working very hard,” or to “have given [y]ourselves a little bit more time” or to stress over how to “make it perfect.”

It’s called punting and fits nicely with the truth recently voiced by Rep. Steve Womack (R-AR) that “We just simply don’t know how to govern.”


In an ideal world, a reporter would ask this so-called President, on camera, if he could explain how any single part of this 142 page bill works.

I’ll bet he hasn’t a clue. At 142 pages, you might as well be asking him to read À la recherche du temps perdu. In French.

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Max Smart: “If only Trump didn’t use his genius for evil instead of niceness”.

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Would you believe…


Now, that would be the makings of a super-nice and ultra-popular person – if Trump would put all his energy into being good and nice to people instead of greedy, narcissistic and just plain evil.

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Then: You’re gonna have great healthcare for much less money. It’s going to be so easy.
Now: Trump: Healthcare is complicated. Who knew? ‘I Think We’re Going To Get At Least Very Close’ To Passing Health Bill. (For translation, see below:)

LOSER DEFINITIONS: "To fail to win. To slip from awareness. To not succeed. A person who is failing or is habitually unpopular.


More delusional blathering from the Turd-in-Chief. Ignore it, it’s meaningless. He can have all the wishes he wants, it doesn’t mean any of them will come true.

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Given the content of the bill (which Trump seems to have absolutely NO knowledge of), I suggest that we rename the GOP bill as the GOP TRUMP DEATH BILL.

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This is the kinda,sorta, maybe or maybe not, it’ll take a while but it will be soon, no guarantees but it will be great. I think so but we will see. The man has no idea. Once again he uses words but remains incoherent. He is utterly clueless.

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Trickle down healthcare…Republican policies have been failing the middle class of this country since Reagan. Now it is at the point where it is completely divorced from the reality of the middle class and of the working poor. Next up…those real tax reforms to benefit millionaires and billionaires followed by trickle down economics so the shrinking middle class can find real work picking tomatoes or building a wall along our borders. Infrastructure can continue to crumble. And then we have Democrats who buy into these failed Republican policies toward the goal of “compromise”. Let’s just keep compromising the middle class out of existence…it’s been working so well for decades…

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