He’s like the three year old with his hand in the cookie jar.
So, in his mind the correct response to “bad laws” is just to order (someone else) to break them.
Fat, slobby, corrupt, self-serving LIAR!!!
Bad actor, redux
Who is fluent in gibberish? Sometimes he really needs to have a translator on hand. But then again, that would defeat the purpose - he doesn’t really want people to understand what he says/means. Just wants total ability to do and say whatever along with lots of posturing of: “You’re not the boss of me!” Cuz Democracy!
How’s about Ol’ Gabby? He speaks authentic Frontier Gibberish!
That is it exactly!! I would love to see a split screen with this playing, along with one of Trump’s rambling “interviews” responses.
If I were Stephen Miller I’d have recorded every conversation I had with Trump. Because once the PR gets really bad Trump’s not going to take the heat himself.
He keeps using this word “disgrace”; I do not think this word means what he thinks it means. (And I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt in attributing rational thought to him.) Plus, I never listen to what he says; I watch what he does.
I can’t believe it, but his communication style reminds me of a fourth grader’s. It’s not just his vocabulary, but his formulation and syntax as well. It just saddens me to think this is our current [guy who occupies the Oval Office].
“Now who can argue with that?”
You do know that he fucking has no clue on how to do anything but run his mouth? He’s more deplorable than his fellow “Republicans”, at least they know how to fuck stuff up with clear intention. All Trump knows how to do is demand and then blather.
Is it just my imagination or does Bad Lip Reading not even bother with Trump because of his blather?
I agree that you can’t compare Helter Skelter with a nice spring cleaning, so he’s got a point.
My guess is that someone used it about him and he discovered it as a word. It’s connected to the other versions of projection that we see.
He can’t be cleaning house, because he fouls everything he touches.
“This Homeland Security secretary does not spark joy.”
“I’m not purging the DHS. I’m simply getting rid of anyone who refuses to place their loyalty to me ahead of their regard for the laws of the land.”