Discussion: Trump: I Don't Want To 'Say Muslim,' I'm 'Talking About Territories Now'

I don’t want to say Manchurian (Siberian) Candidate. I just want to say, VOTE HILLARY. DUMP TRUMP.


Trump: I will, however, make exceptions for white Christians from those territories. In fact, if you pledge to vote for me, you will get expedited treatment.


I think you mean, if they donate to his campaign they can enter the country.


It’s remarkable how clumsy and obvious he is, even when he’s backtracking and flip-flopping and might want to phrase things more evasively. Anybody who’s run for public office, from prothonotary on up, understands you want to make it sound good, rather than just blurt everything out with no filter. But Trump just says people don’t want him to say certain things so he won’t. He tells you he’s just telling you want you want to hear. He’s got that Palin quality of being cunning about other people’s weaknesses without being very bright generally.


Ah, the old re-branding trick, a Trump specialty.
A shit sandwich by any other name is still a shit sandwich.


Yes, and down here in Louisiana we have to keep people from Georgia (Lafayette Theater shooter) and Missouri (Baton Rouge police killer) out of the state. The Republicans have given up on blaming actual criminals for the crimes they commit and now want to either blame the victims (e.g., France) or entire groups who have nothing to do with the criminals (Muslims, Mosques, black people, etc.).


will he be including California on his list of dangerous territories now?


Trump’s shtick is so tiring. If he is such a skilled performer, he doesn’t seem to appreciate the risks of “overexposure.”


I voted for Bernie. I like his ideas, and yes, they should be debated and promoted as part of a progressive agenda through civil discussion.

But while its fun to discuss the merits of chocolate vs. strawberry ice cream within the DNC; please keep in mind that the greater threat to all of our values is this megalomaniac tinpot dictator who is eager to grab your ice cream and have you locked up and deported while doing so.

So, yes, keep working for progressive values, but for the love of God, don’t let Drumpf be the next President.


He’ll contradict himself soon enough.


I prefer not saying it myself frankly, you ass clown!

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Will he be able to untwist his shorts by November ? /s


"Trump recently pivoted on his proposed Muslim ban, now saying that he wants to ban people from “terrorist countries.”

And once again TPM and other media use the kinder, gentler “pivot” instead of “flip flop” which they have only used for Democrats. Shame on Ms. MacNeal and TPM for bending towards the GOP…again. And for once again for showing there is a complete lack of oversight at TPM when it comes to consistency. But “Take our survey!” (answers to which were apparently ignored) and “Sign up for Prime!”. smh

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They don’t need to donate, Russia’s doing enough of that already.


this petulant, joke of a campaign, filled with lies, inaccuracies and no serious policy proposals is the ultimate demonstration of white privilege.

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When one ignores 33,000+ homicides with guns every year, the world is a perfect venue for finding examples to support one’s cause.

Republicans need to stop arming terrorists.

Whole territories now, and that possibly includes France.


Well, if he’s elected, nobody will want the come to the world’s newest dictatorship, so I guess the immigration situation will be solved.

He trying to make us crazy like him, changing his position from hour to hour. I could take the orange con man changing his mind from day to day but hour by hour. Just image this ashole as president. This man is crazy. Hey Sean what did Jon Stewart say about being up Trump’s as? lol

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There are around 10,000 gun homicides a year–not 33,000. There are over 30,000 gun deaths total. The bulk of that are from suicides with a handful of accidents as well. That shouldn’t lessen the impact of this horrific situation, but I always think points should be made with data that’s at least close to being accurate.

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