Discussion: Trump: I Don’t Have To Prepare Much For North Korea, ‘It’s About The Attitude’

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I think I’m very well prepared.
I don’t think I have to prepare very much.
I think I’ve been preparing for the summit for a long time.
This isn’t a question of preparation.


He’s so smart. The SMARTEST!!!


I think I’ve been preparing for the summit for a long time.

Trump thinks lots of things, few turn out to be true.

So this isn’t a question of preparation, it’s a question of whether or not people want it to happen, and we’ll know that very quickly.

Given Trump, Bolton and Giuliani’s statemetns on this, it’s obvious they don’t want it to happen and since Hannity and Gorka are going to be there to lick Trump’s self-inclicted wounds when the “talks” blow up, it’s obvious the plan is to not have these talks succeed.


The whole secret here is how to make it look like Not Donald’s Fault.


My bet is that now that Ghouliani has insulted Kim even worse than Bolton, the North Koreans will embarrass Dumpy by going through with the prep for the meeting and then not show up after Dumpy and his entourage are all settled in Singapore.


Confusing motion with progress. Again.


If your cult of followers believes anything you say, why bother preparing? He could give NK all our nukes and the Deplorables would insist it was the best deal ever.


Only thing is, this time it’s more than just the talks that can blow up.

Proposed theme song for the summit: Tom Lehrer’s “We Will All Go Together When We Go”.

And, as an aside, I am really loving “self-inclicted wounds”. Please don’t fix that typo. Trump and his Twitter feed produce a lot of self-in-click-ted wounds.


What a clueless, arrogant f_ck!


That’s not exactly out of the realm of possibility, is it? I’ve been waiting for some response to Rudy’s blustering, and I think the silence has been a presage of something Trump’s not expecting.


Then we get to watch him work his magic as a war president.


He really puts the “id” in “idiot,” doesn’t he?


Whoever it was that originated the satire “The Book of Mormon” on Broadway is missing a golden opportunity if they don’t create a musical “Trump Meets Kim.”


Prediction: Dumb Donny won’t do his homework. So he’ll tentatively agree to a bad deal while letting Bolton and other hawks publicly oppose any deal before realizing he didn’t win anything and blowing up the whole thing while proclaiming victory. And then we forget any of this happened, just like every other crisis Trump inspires any time he talks about an issue he doesn’t understand.

Meanwhile, his supporters won’t give a rat’s ass since they refuse to notice anything he says or does and will attack people merely for quoting Trump’s words. That’s the sad thing about all this: He keeps doing things to impress his base and they couldn’t care less since their fictional Trump is far superior to the real one. And once he’s out of office, they’ll pretend he never existed; just like they’re doing with Bush.


Sure the morality police in Singapore will find a reason to arrest DJT and cane him.

You can’t chew gum there, lord knows Trump must have some habits that will be worth a few licks.


So Donald… Let me help. He will have a TV table with three playing cards. He will try to fool you by shuffling the cards around real fast while trash talking Ivanka. Don’t be fooled. Choose the middle card. It’s always the middle card. Good luck.

(We are all so fucked)


So, is he going to cancel it again? Already has a tee time lined up for next Tuesday?

Or does he show up, brag about his victory, the crowd at his inauguration and all his successes … complain about the Russia investigation and the media … and then leave?


Here’s the nightmare scenario. Trump and Kim are photographed at their first meeting smiling, shaking hands and making cooing noises at each other. Trump turns his back to look at the pomp and circumstance. Kim gets on a plane and leaves for Pyongyang. Trump is left there looking like the idiot he is. DPRK gets everything they want. Trump comes home with a t-shirt.


"I don’t think I have to prepare very much. It’s about the attitude,” Trump told reporters.

Three Words: Duck. And. Cover.

(Anybody know what shoes go well with nuclear holocaust?)