The Cost Guard’s ratings will Yuuge !
“I hope there aren’t too many people in the path. You don’t want to be in that path. That’s a path you don’t want to be in. We tried to warn everybody. For the most part, they’ve left, but that’s a bad path to be in,” he said.
Hurricane-like syntax: round and round and round . . .
JFC he’s like a novelty plush toy you buy at a dollar store. Press the button and it randomly babbles seven different marketing phrases. And there’s no relationship to reality–it’s just a mishmash of vague impressions he remembers from TV. It’s the kind of talk that makes relatives give each other sad looks in the hallway after visiting Dad at the old folk’s home. Seriously, you really have to wonder how long this can go on.
Mr. “President”, in the name of all that is American: JUST SHUT UP!
We have “Madison Avenue” POTUS that is more concerned with “branding” than leading. He’s in deep and utter love with himself and this country needs to find a way to break up that Donald-on-Donald lovefest. Maybe he should be charged, convicted and put in jail for the corruption he has brought to the White House.
What an inarticulate slug. Believe me!
I agree.
Give me an articulate slug like Bannon anytime.
Coast Goard needs a tax cut to run even more effectively.
OT: apparently Corker is talking about retirement.
As the father of a Coastie, I’ll modify your comment… Dumpster, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP…
I dunno. Purdue Pharma doesn’t seem to have any issues.
But hey he was able to work two polysyllabic words into that statement: people and everybody.
The image in my head is a Magic 8-Ball but Chatty Cathy works too.
Au contraire.
Price of Lafite!
And don’t get me started on Rolexes!*
And it’s so thankless.
When the Pharma congressional Outreach Director was in here the other day he said Ryan was thinking of drafting new oxycontin legislation because he couldn’t use the Rolex to steal the Yankees’ signs.
And, I cringe…again.
The Coast Guard’s brand doesn’t need any polishing. Their motto may be “Semper Paratus”, but their slogan is “You have to go out; you don’t have to come back.” The Coast Guard often gets the short end of the stick, but when it comes to search and rescue, they do the heavy lifting.
Nobody gives backhanded compliments like Trump.
You can tell by the way he’s talking that Donald is really worried about his own brand and that he’s never paid any attention to the courageous work the Coast Guard does daily. Bet he still thinks they are state national guard in coastal states. Doesn’t have a clue that they serve around the world and that he’s recommended cutting their budget.
What a horrible leader and commander-in-chief this clown proves to be every damned day.
Yet more projection; his businesses are flimsy frauds so he assumes every other organization/institution is a con, too.
Not just the Coast Guard. He pays no attention to what anyone does, if they are not named Trump.
Hit them while they are doing the down and dirty for our country. That’s the Trump way.