Discussion: Trump Holds Late-Night Welcome For Freed North Korea Captives

“This is a special night for these three really great people,” Trump told reporters.

I didn’t watch this late-night welcome. Did the President acknowledge these people by name? At all - I would accept mis-pronunciations, calling someone by a first name when they use their middle name, minor errors. It’s 3:00 am - I would have no problem if he read the names from an index card.

The image-conscious president told reporters, “I think you probably broke the all-time-in-history television rating for 3 o’clock in the morning.”

Never mind.


Such an egotistical douche. This display does not bode well for the negotiations. He’s an easily manipulated media whore.

Ratings? Scum.


I wish Preshitident Skanky-Manslut would hold a White House welcome for, and embrace his child from his wife in Trump World Tower that he deserted. Iwanka, Don Jr., Erick, Tiffany and Barron are being deprived of the love of their sibling.

… who promptly turned to the pilot and said, “Can you take us back?”

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This is my theory on this: Former Secretary of State told NOT to waste his time negotiating with North Korea. New Secretary of State who desperately reached out to Hillary Clinton (who, as a congressman, bashed her) for advice on his job and a contentious confirmation hearing, less than two weeks on the job, makes secret trip to Korea and then comes back with the three hostages the day after The Trump-Cohen Back Channel Funnel Pipeline for Massive Payola and Bribes breaks on Television and the Internet. Richard Engels reported several months ago that Putin’s Kleptocracy was the main link in helping North Korea circumvent US sanctions, and is the main transshipment point for banned oil exports to North Korea. This “accomplishment” was the result of collusion between the Trump Admin, Putin and Kim, to give Trump and his Treasonous Dixiecrat GOP something, anything, to campaign on for the Mid Terms. And to keep the growing scandal heat off El Donald for a few minutes.


“I think you probably broke the all-time-in-history television rating for 3 o’clock in the morning.”

Shut the fuck up, Donnie!

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@jacksonhts Works for me.

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There is no way N. Korea could have developed ICBM technology on their own. No way.

This is all staged by Putin.

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It’s surprising Trump didn’t time the captives arrival for about 6:05PM EST and totally take over the evening news.

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Isn’t this what so-called conservatives used to decry as “paying the Danegeld”?


He failed to learn the lesson of TV President Ronald Reagan and his Kitchen Cabinet of Image Tenders. The release of the 300 plus American Hostages in Iran was so exquisitely planned that they landed during Reagan’s swearing in. Of course their release was delayed by months to deprive Jimmy Carter and Warren Christopher of any credit whatsoever and to ensure that only Reagan would receive any applause for this release.

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