Wonder what Ivanka and Junior think of this, or have they given up trying to temper his tantrums.
CNN must be looking to add to their Trumpster collection.
“I am what I am”. Yes, a bald racist who wants to destroy America.
LOL. he’s tanking in the general and thinks that getting back to throwing the reddest of meat to the basest of his base is what will pull him out of the nosedive. because he just needs to be MORE inflammatory and bigoted to win over moderate republicans and independents.
what a genius.
And he’s losing to a girl.
Time to change seats on the SS. Trumpf Titanic.
All I wanna know, why not bring on Matt Drudge and Rush Limpass too?
If this has been Trump being held back I look forward to him totally trashing his numbers in the days and weeks to come.
“I yam what I yam!” *
So, now the decision has been made: we are going to have fun in our Bubble-World, we don’t care about no stinkin’ win, we are just going to keep on keeping on.
- It only occurred to me after I wrote this that “yam” is a quite appropriate descriptor…
They’ve all run away!
Sort of like a sports team firing the coach because they can’t fire the players.
Lesandowski, Manafort, Ailes, and now Bannon. I am just Blown away by Trump’s ability to spot and nurture talented people willing to watch him self-destruct. Karl Rove must be so envious.
His days of reading from teleprompters and pretending to pivot are over. He’s going full Trump 24/7. There’ll be no more giving up his phone at night, or drunk blocking his Twitter account. Considering the contentious relationship between Breitbart and the party brass, it’s probably also safe to assume this is also the beginning of the end of the campaign pretending to work with the RNC. Trump is going all in on running a 17 candidate Republican primary campaign in a two-person general election.
I wonder if Trump ever wanted to win to begin with. What if his role is to ensure Hillary’s victory? Trump endorsed and supported Hillary the last time she ran and he just might be doing it this time as well.
Ruh roh … those millions in undocumented payments from Putin to Manafort getting some attention? Hey, Paul …? Has the U.S. government yanked your passport yet? IRS sending some uncomfortable queries your way regarding $12 or $15 million or so in ‘undocumented payments’ that turned up on Ukraine ledgers …?
Must suck to be you.
But, let us move on to the fun news of the day: tRump is taking the reigns back in his mouth and is gonna run his campaign his way. EVERYBODY: Stand back and give the man more rope all the reigns he can handle and the bit in his yuuuuuuge teeth.
And it ain’t even Christmas* yet.
*( Yeah I used the KenyanMuslimbanned term “Christmas,” just because I wanted to piss off Obama and Hillary in the same post. I love using illegal words like that. )
I guess Manafort’s Russian connections began to make a mark…
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has overhauled his election campaign team for the second time in two months, bringing in a new manager and CEO.
Pollster Kellyanne Conway becomes campaign manager and Stephen Bannon of Breitbart News the CEO. Paul Manafort remains as campaign chairman.
An article in Bloomberg in October last year described Mr Bannon as “the most dangerous political operative in America”.
Mr Bannon says his role at Breitbart is “virulently anti-establishment”.
Ms Conway has previously worked for Republican politicians Dan Quayle and Newt Gingrich.
Although Mr Manafort stays in his job, analysts say the new appointments, which come two months after campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was sacked, represent a demotion.
The Washington Post cited Trump campaign aides as saying Mr Trump respected Mr Manafort but felt “boxed in” by people “who barely knew him”.
Mr Manafort, a former adviser to George HW Bush and Bob Dole, only joined the Trump campaign in March.
i used to think that. but this is a narcissistic guy who is OBSESSED with his brand and image, and being able to market himself. i just can’t see a guy like that doing this much damage to himself for the benefit of someone else.
he’s going to lose big, and will thereafter have the stench of “LOSER” all over him. not only won’t he be able to stand that concept, but it’s going to make marketing and selling all of his cheap crap that much harder.
i now just think he’s a fucking moron.
So, Trump is moving away from delivering scrupulously accurate speeches via teleprompter to saying whatever the hell he wants. Right.
And in the midst of the chaos, Ivanka goes on vacation in Croatia with the ex wife of Rupert Murdoch. A vacation in the middle of her father’s Presidential campaign? The mind it boggles.
That’s the OKKKtober Surprise. Along with Hannity.