Won’t they be surprised when Donnie lets Russia invade Poland, once again…
According to Polish media reports, Poland’s government promised the White House a reception of cheering crowds as part of its invitation. To make good on that pledge, ruling party lawmakers and pro-government activists plan to bus in groups from the provinces to hear Trump’s speech.
Sounds suspiciously like a free shopping junket to Warsaw for the hinterlanders.
Hope springs eternal for a failed casino operator who was bailed out by the Russian Mafia and by Putin in the last election.
How many Pollocks does it take to throw a stink bomb at corrupt American president?
Didn’t know that there were that many starving Poles.
According to Polish media reports, Poland’s government promised the White House a reception of cheering crowds as part of its invitation. To make good on that pledge, ruling party lawmakers and pro-government activists plan to bus in groups from the provinces to hear Trump’s speech.
That was a tradition in Mexico, whenever the president was visiting they brought in people from the countryside and put it in position nearest to the president (to occupy the space of potential protesters) . Back then they got paid 20 pesos and given a sandwich, and of course a day trip. An government operative that organized that kind of things, said later that he always saw it as promoting tourism.
The world loves us…
US congressman condemned for Auschwitz gas chamber video
Who is Clay Higgins?
A former senior policeman known as the "Cajun John Wayne" from when he hosted weekly Crime Stoppers segment of local news show
Resigned from St Landry sheriff's office for causing controversy with viral online videos
Elected as Republican congressman in December 2016 for Louisiana's third district, in a shock result in the wake of Donald Trump's presidential victory
Reacted to London Bridge terror attack in June by saying Christians were "at war with Islamic horror" and calling for all radical Islamists to be hunted down and killed
How many Polacks does it take to show Trump what true revolutionary democracy looks like?
None, he wouldn’t know democracy even if it beat him by 3 million votes.
Looks like the stage is getting set for Donnie’s Most Excellent Adventure…
Riot police in Hamburg disperse G20 protesters
Obama visits Scotland -------and this
My first thought is that Trump will tell some old Polack jokes to endear himself to the populace. He probably knows nothing about Poland other than they sent us all those great funny jokes when he was younger.
I wonder who in his traveling team is in charge of taking him by the elbow to make sure he doesn’t wander off into the crowd? I won’t complain if he gets on a bus and ends up alone in some rural village in Poland.
In addition to the promise of a welcome reception and to show his support for another populist, nationalist leader, Trump is going to Poland and the other countries mentioned to try to sell them US natural gas to undercut the Russian market.
Zero. He will drop one on himself all on his own.
I think odds are pretty even that he will instead, make a pitch that they buy more Russian energy in a gambit to please his master before their meeting later in the trip.
What he says to the one group and what he says to Putin are not likely to be the same thing. Personally, I think it’s a mug’s game to try to predict what Trump will do since there is no way to know what the stupidest possible thing is ahead of time. The only thing we can be sure of is that Trump will fold like an origami bird when up against a strong personality one on one. He’s only confident in his bluster when he’s in front of a rally of his supporters on when he’s insulated by his Twitter account.
He’s got to find ways to throw bones to Putie without it being too obvious that he’s stroking him. A challenge for donnie awaits.
I agree, with one caveat. If he is being urged/counseled to do one thing, its almost assured that he will do the exact opposite, as he perceives “being told” to do things as a leash on him…and he absolutely despises being leashed.
That IS the main issue, internationally, with this trip. Everyone is watching to see how closely he cleaves to Putin, and how much distance he tries to create from traditional European allies. My guess, without knowing exactly what nonsense he will do, is he will accomplish both and force Europe to withdraw even more from America.