Discussion: Trump Has Record-Setting War Chest For His Reelection Effort

Use it for his wall. It’ll be wasted trying to get Dotard reelected from prison.


This is the wild card in the “Trump is so odious, stupid and deluded there’s no way he gets reelected” paradigm Dems are counting on. One wherein he just buys the Presidency.

At some point the ability to control the media and messaging, wrestling control of both through sheer force of dollars, has to be viewed as a path to a second term.


According to FEC data, Trump has been continually inundated with small donor contributions in amounts less than $200.

In money laundering law enforcement they call it structuring.


I know this is irrational, but there’s a part of me that thinks Trump has some vague and stupid plan to not run for reelection (because he’s fixed the country) and somehow keep that money for himself.


So how much is $129 million in rubles? Donnie needs a dacha.


Since the RNC and trump have combined their fundraising operations, I wonder how much of this haul is RNC money than won’t be available to help other GOP candidates?

Luckily, trump is such a grifter I expect a large portion of these funds to go directly or indirectly into his own pockets - now if only the media would start charging him for their campaign coverage…


If we still have a Rule of Law, the money he has collected is irrelevant.

If we still have a Rule of Law

And isn’t that what this is all about?


I wonder how much of this was from his Inauguration Committee?


Has Parscale met with Mueller yet?
If not, why not?
Aren’t the only ones remaining who haven’t been “debriefed” by Mueller’s grand jury pretty likely the targets of the final investigation?
If I was one of Trump’s 2018 campaign suckers, and I didn’t get an invitation to talk to Mr. Mueller, I would wonder why.
Especially if I was their “digital” guy.
Why would anyone assume the 2020 campaign would be any cleaner than the 2018 debacle? Trump’s got more dirt than Iowa, it only gets deeper every day they keep digging.


Trump’s overriding ignorance, vanity and greed are not irrational. They are just surprising sometimes.


The question now is, how much of it is traceable?


I’ve been scanning that pic up to of the article for Trump’s African American guy… can’t find him or his sign… he’d be easy to spot in that crowd…

By the Media, since we can assume that the Sessions to Whitaker to Barr DOJ is not going to break a sweat or make any good faith effort at tracing them to the usual Modern Dixiecrat GOP deep pockets.

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“Trump has also been able to build up his reserves as his legals fees have dropped off.”

The irony is heavy here.
History professors of the future will make that into much more than just another annoying asterisk on Trump’s ridiculous record…

Rudy is working gratis. For the publicity. Hoping he will do better than his first South Carolina GOP Primary when he runs again. Someday.

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Trump’s re-election account: $129M. Advantage him.
Trump’s head: Empty. Advantage us.

He will be a formidable opponent in 2020. The Dem nominee will not get all the free airtime he got in 2016 either unless he/she knows how to play the media too.

In his “interview” with the Times, Trump mentioned how he is losing money in his current job … which leads me to think he is already putting this excuse out there for his decision not to run.

I refuse to believe this isn’t money from about 5 men - 3 of whom are Russian - that is just being channeled through the little people.