Discussion: Trump Grants CNN, ABC Interviews After Weeks Of Avoiding National Media

Lord knows my life is too short and my brain cells to precious to watch Bash or Stephanopolous, but to judge from the articles, it doesn’t seem that Trump was asked any question of substance whatsoever.


Going out on a limb to predict these interviews will not end well.

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Q: Truth or illusion, truth or illusion? Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf? A: Donald Trump

We know by now he answers the questions he imagines he’s been asked or would like to have been asked. Something like Ginger.

@the_mask Is that pathetic scalp why he beat up Ivana?


What we hear: Mostly lies. Also bigly, rigged, Ghina, piggy, nasty, crooked, and (how can he not choke?) respect.


Free adverts for his half off sale for new and fabulous hotel!

…and the fourth estate rolled on its back like a puppy.

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Chiselin’ Trump: “Hey, you! You like the polls? Well, here, poll my finger!”


I think his ratings may be dropping. If not, we’re fukt.