Discussion for article #243247
yeah… poker lesson… when you’re holding an unsuited 3 and 8 your best option is to fold…
Love the way he’s throwing around the Hussein middle name.
Syrian terrorists, anyone’s?
hums the Uso’s theme while I start looking into that Wayback Machine
but wait…there’s more.
A 1995 ABC news poll had Republicans receiving the brunt of the blame with 46% of respondents compared to the 27% that blamed Clinton
> In the immediate aftermath of the crisis opinion polls showed approval to drop for the Republican Party. Polls showed that Americans blamed the Republicans more for the shutdown than President Barack Obama by a margin of 22 points (53 percent to 31 percent). Another poll showed a 74% disapproval rating of the way Republicans handled the crisis while 61% disapproved of the way Democrats handled the budget talks
Boehner and Ryan have already ‘seen the elephant’ and they clearly know that any shutdown battle doesn’t work well for them or the GOP (especially in a presidential election year) in the end. However keep on trolling Donald…you are doing great.
Ok back to that titantron theme
Yes Donald. And in fifty years you’ll have been long forgotten.
more like the president isn’t from ‘around here’ rhetoric again. Obama isn’t running again, so that ‘strike’ will lead to the President shrugging that off.
Hey asshole, here’s the thing: Barack Hussein Obama, raised by a single mother, has been elected President of the United States twice. Before that, he was the first African American elected president of Harvard Law Review.
Meanwhile, you, son of a millionaire real estate developer who got a million dollar gift from daddy to start your little real estate business, will never be elected president of anything except maybe the Bankruptcy Club of America. That’s gotta burn, huh?
President of the law review, actually, not the school. Your point still stands and is spot-on.
Fifty years from now, Trump will be remembered as the colossal, narcissistic buffoon that he really is.
Don’t make fun of Trump. He is the best the GOP has to offer for POTUS!
Oops, you’re right, I’ll change it. Either way, Trump is still an asshole.
“They’re going to know about Barack Hussein Obama. That’s who they’re
going to know about. That’s who they’re going to know about.”
Right you are. President Obama will go down in history as one of the best Presidents we ever had. Aside from his many accomplishments, he will be lauded for putting up with the most childish, petty and nasty Republican congress ever seated. President Obama will be known for his quiet dignity in the face of dirty racism. He will be known for his patience in the face of obstruction and inaction. He will be known for his intelligence and humor while dealing with the ignorance of the Republican party. So, Trump is right about one single thing, everyone will know about our twice elected (with over 50%) President Barack Hussein Obama.
Allow me, if you will.
And in 50 years, our nation–and world–will be that much more mixed-race. They will read comments like the ones Trump makes today and recognize the racist dog whistling. Seriously, Mr. Trump, you are one seriously sad little guy. I don’t say that to be disparaging, rather it is an observation in fact.
No, the gop/bag congress would be blamed! Just ask newt and every other r what happened after he/they pulled the shut down the government stunt.
I say go for it! Get rid of these f’ing r’s once and for all.
When a political party begins to rely on low information, low IQ, morons to win elections they will end up with an absolute clusterfuck.
Think about their so called torchbearers in the last few years. Palin, Bachman, King, Perry, Gingrich, Cain, Trump, Carson, Cruz, Huckabee. Not a single one could carry water to President Obama. Obama plays chess while these dipshits are fighting about a checker game.
The few Republicans that have some sense, have not said a word.
Silence is consenting. The inmates have now taken over the asylum!
Risk the credit rating of the country for political gain by being ‘poker players’?
Make everything more expensive to finance-- because ‘negotiating’ is more important than the outcome?
Short-fingered vulgarian is far too polite a term for a…
(Crap. Where is my stickynote with all of Sniffit’s one-word-insult-nouns!? Dammit!)
What we are witnessing today is the Southern Strategy come full circle. Sooner or later–but pretty much right on time–they would start faltering on such a large scale and from so many angles. Closed-off, incestuous communities eventually die from all the inbreeding. The Republican Party did this to themselves. Now, hopefully, we non-Republican inbreeds have enough strength and know-how to forge ahead without allowing the Democratic Party to become lazy. We prove ourselves to better people when we compete with each other to create the best ideas and innovations. We also are a better people when we show our compassionate and welcoming sides.
No, he won’t be forgotten. If history has any irony in it, Trump will be the one that will be responsible for the ultimate destruction of the GOP, as we know it. He will be the one credited with making the party a laughingstock worldwide. He will be the one credited with perpetuating the myth of the Birther movement, even though he wasn’t running against thr President.
Or worse, he will be relegated to the dustbin of history. Forgotten, ignored, dismissed.
What a sad little man…
Trump’s been ratcheting up the Obama as Muslim thing for the last few days. Yesterday he lured a crown in Myrtle Beach to scream Obama is a Muslim after a rant about " Something must be wrong…he just doesn’t want to do anything about this…something we do not know " when speaking about Islamic terrorism. He was King Birther after all.
I hope folks are getting this filed away. As time goes by Trump seems invincible. His inanity and unsuitability are what his supporters revere in him. He could be the nominee. That would be unfortunate if his level of support remains. He’d be most useful as a third party drain on Rubio or Jeb.