It’s adorable how tough he thinks he is.
Fuck off, lardass.
Trump: Google, Twitter and Facebook are “treading on very, very troubled territory, and they have to be careful.”
Yes, I imagine the territory around you is very troubled, indeed.
In fact, because of you, the entire country is in appallingly troubled territory.
previously on "The Donald Trump Show ’
“…unhappy with what popped up after a Google search for ‘Trump News,’ Trump said Google was ‘RIGGED’ because it mostly showed ‘BAD’ results…”
If you think that unhinged him, then you should’ve seen him after he googled “Trump leaks”…
Needier than an Ethiopian orphan on a Sally Struthers infomercial.
Yes, Donald. It’s the rest of the planet that has problems. Not you.
Speak loudly and carry a small dick.
Right!? My response to the headline, “Oh, shut up. Your fat ass ain’t gonna do shit but whine about it.”
WTF is he going to do, invoke the Sedition Act?
This is a President going after his enemies, and using the Federal Government assets to do so. This is an impeachable offense!
Cohen,“The Fixer”,will handle it.
He remains upset at the McCain coverage and created a controversy to attract media attention. It seems to be working. So what is he going to regulate about google? He is clueless about algorithms and search engines in general. His knowledge of technology consists of composing hideous tweets and hitting the send button.
How many hours in the day will Trump demand that Fox News broadcast segments complimentary of liberal/progressive/Democrat policies?
I suspect that the majority of books published about his administration have been negative as well. Does that mean that we should regulate what book contents can be published? How about unflattering photographs?
Someone needs to ask him a question s/a -you seem to know a bit about google searches tell me how do they work and how have you determined that their algorithms are unfair?
Okay, we engage in a lot of snark here, but at what point are our sarcastic comments no longer appropriate? Because anyone who has taken any world history class knows where all this is heading – the blueprint is obvious and this dumpster fire of a President is following it step-by-step-by-step.
The bottom-line here is that one of these two things is not going to exist soon – either the Trump Administration or America as a functioning democracy dedicated to freedom, liberty, and the rule of law. These two are on a collision course and one of them will not survive.
As soon as Donald Trump can stand up to the American Legion for more than three hours by doing things that are completely within his legal right and power, I will begin to worry about him taking major extrajudicial (and outright unconstitutional) action against what is arguably the most powerful company on the planet.
Or, as it was put elsewhere by someone more witty than I, Old Man Yells At The Cloud
He’s just such a breathtaking coward, weak-willed, faint, and cowed.
I question whether the latter has ever amounted to much more than a sporadically achieved aspiration.