Some of them. Valerie Giscard d’Estaing never did much for me. Neither did de Gaulle.
Seriously, are their penis’s that small/vagina’s so large?
Oops, I posted the same link before reading your comment.
Very interesting article, though.
Anything exposing that family can’t be posted too often.
At El Corte Ingles in Madrid (their toney department store) you can purchase a scroll with your family name’s coat of arms. It’s been a middle class sort of thing to do since the 1950’s. Before the Internet, the NYT Sunday Magazine, and other magazines, had a classified advertisement where American families could write and send payment for a similar piece of paper with some purported family history and coat of arms.
Jenny Jerome was a very interesting woman, was in the wave of buccaneers Wharton wrote about, young women sent to England to marry into titles and money.
They put it up with the word "integritas"still on it, but it kept bursting into flames. Once they eliminated the concept of “entegrity,” it was fine.
Slapping his shit on other people’s names is also what he does.
I didn’t think that was for real, but it actually seems to be. “Admit nothing”, indeed. And the Russian double eagle, gah.
To truly represent Trump you can’t use a coat of arms. You must use a coat of tiny hands.
I think this is “fluff yourself” as in the porn term, but fluff as in fluffernutter works too.
Seems the European trip finally taught him how to button his suit coat.
Surprised the motherfucker hasn’t started awarding “Warrants.”
“By Appointment to His Shitgibboness The Presishit”
Re our newly found love…
Here’s the video (embedded). WOW. Putin’s face, seriously, WOW. One of the best things I’ve seen recently.
Fallows chimes in.
Compare and contrast Macron with this pig-eyed sack of shit who fidgets like a kindergartner at what any adult would know isn’t supposed to be a sing-along at Arlington on Memorial Day.
A national disgrace!
And yet I can’t imagine anything in his track record that suggested he could ever do such a thing as steal some family’s coat of arms. My family is totally unaware that there are such things as family “coat of arms” aside from actual armcoats.