Discussion: Trump Goes Out On Limb By Claiming ISIS Lost '100%' Of Syria Territory

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So what did Meadows and Jordan do with their “Liar Liar Pants On Fire” sign that they had at the hearing yesterday? I think they should give it to the press corps for use at “press conferences.”


I’ll go out on a limb and say that tRump is 100% full of shit.


I prefer he walk on thin ice.
that way the chance of falling through is greater than the limb breaking, maybe.


Like anybody believes lie number 9000.


We’re only at 9,000? Is this a career stat, or just for today?

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According to Cummings, the NYT had him at 8,700 and something as of yesterday. I’m estimating that by now he’s up to 9000.


Fake News! There’s no way that he’s anywhere under 100,000 at this point.

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Yeah, Yeah… and North Korea turned over their nukes too…

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There is rarely a time when Trump is not out on a limb.



Nicole Wallace repeated that statement today, and Chris Christie attributed it to her (guess I should find a new show if that NJ gasbag and Trump apologist is now a regular). Rep Gosar also repeated the meme, and not one of the Republicans understood how stupid and childish they all look.


Simply a rounding error; nothing to see here, move along.

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Of course this is true. Why would Vladimir lie to dumb little Donnie about this? Just like North Korea can’t reach the US with its nuclear portfolio of weapons.


Now we can cut the defense budget and boost my tax return, right, fiscal conservatives?

I’m betting these billionaires still want my money.


Don’t forget that Trump lives in his own reality. If I were a reporter then I’d ask him so when are you going to Syria and take your well deserved victory lap?


Trump thinks that controlling physical territory is the measure of success. This, of course, is nonsense when you’re talking about an entity like ISIS. It’s an insurgency, and unless you decapitate it, it will simply melt into the background and wait you out.

This is similar to the lack of strategic thinking that ended up costing Hitler his conquest of Russia. He kept focusing on controlling vast swaths of territory, instead of heading straight to Moscow and knocking out Stalin’s command and control apparatus.

Fighting will continue, but that’s just because Trumpp isn’t satisfied with the 100% that lesser Presidents would have settled for. It isn’t over until ISIS has lost 110% of its territory.

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The dork on the right is Congresscritter Thomas Massie, R-KY and a real dickhead. HIs personal home in KY is off the grid with solar and other alternatives, yet doesn’t seem to want that for anyone else. He’s got his…too bad for y’all!

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He is totally correct … provided you use special math …

You start with 100 square miles … you LOSE 50 square miles

You are left with 50 square miles … Soooo what you lost is !00% … of what you have left …

This is also the kind of math that Trump uses in other calculations …