Discussion: Trump Goes Off On Twitter Rant About Baltimore Riots, Police Response

Discussion for article #235747

“Thugs must be stopped. – Said Thug Donald Trump.”

On another note: Is it possible for Mr. Trump to ever have a good hair day? Seriously! – With his (supposed) wealth? (Oh, that’s right, I forgot, Trump has filed for bankruptcy over half a dozen times and left taxpayers in a lurch in a few of those unfortunate scams).


The Donald needs to be forced to swim in the Gawonus Canal naked until his hair grows back.


An even more brief account:

Twit knows how to use twitter.


Fucking idiot.


C’mon, TPM. I enjoy a good what-a-tool-Trump-is story as much as the next reader, but it seems to me that there are enough stories of real outrage right now to allow Trump tales to horn in.


You are example #1 of all you accuse. So, suffer, twit hole.

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Why do any news organizations ever pay attention to this clown? He is meaningless.


Why doesn’t Trump fly in and fix this himself? I hear that he has an in with “the blacks.”


Even when there’s actual news happening, I think there’s a morbid fascination in Trump stories. They show the near-supernatural power of sheer celebrity to make scores of news organizations and millions of people pay attention to a stupefyingly boring and irrelevant blowhard dolt. It’s an eerily inexplicable phenomenon.


Donald Trump: Good at rendering criticism, horrible at receiving it. Had he not been born into some wealth, he’d be driving a bus in Hoboken.


C’mon Dondon, it’s 2015! You’re supposed to blame HRC because (some are saying) Benghazi is the same as Baltimore idiot. What makes you hallucinate that POTUS is going to act like the Ferguson PD? Jeeze, do I have to put a rocket up your ass?

Yeah. Why hasn’t he done the Fox/TPGOP pivot and start attacking HRC all day everyday?

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If I cared Trump tweets, I’d get an account and follow him. Please, this is not news.


This from a useless windbag who can’t control Gary Busey and/or Meatloaf on a stupid show that is scripted! Who in the world give a flying fig what he thinks?


Without Twitter we could only suspect the hard core jibbering idiocy of certain infamous twitterers…

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wow. having a black President should have been enough for those [thugs] – apparently they’ll never be satisfied.

what a putz.


They pay attention because he promotes racism and hate. Which they tacitly approve of by continuing to give him a soapbox to spew his racism and hate.

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Because he is a racist, plain and simple. And the fact that there is a black president absolutely steams him. Especially since the President has completely slammed Trump publicly twice now at the Correspondent’s Dinners.

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Hush Donnie.

You and your richie riches & has been ‘apprenctices’ are the only ones who care what you say