We’re not laffing.
Future history books would say:
Medal of Freedom (Trump TM)
A famous and influentially proven wrong economist puts a lip lock on Moscow Donnie and gets a medal. That’s pretty much how things work in present day Swamplandia.
So Trump’s new campaign slogan will be MACA=Make Asterisks Critical Again.
We are going to have to re-name/re-brand the Medal of Freedom unless we use more asterisks.
The Presidential Medal of Freedom has become a laughing-stock, just like everything else this administration touches.
Well, it was an effort to grant freedom from sense to economic discussions, so I suppose that fits (in the perverse way that Trump has with these things).
Devaluing anything he touches.
He should hand them out in boxes of Cracker Jacks.
There is a special place in hell for those pushing trickle down economics while surrounded by decades of proof it does not work.
It “works” for those pushing the false theories. They keep getting their tax reductions (while the rest of us get . . . )
Future recipients include Kim Jong Un, Putin and Trump himself
Trump actually has extensive experience with “trickle-down” economics.
Mostly involving rubles, women, and the Ritz-Carlton Moscow.
Naw, just blanket award them to attendees at his rallies.
So the Medal of Freedom is worthless now?
Welp, it’s kind of like when Bart Simpson was the all-powerful entity and also impulsive little boy based on “It’s a Good Life” from “Twilight Zone” except being Bart he decreed among other things that the United States was now called “Bonerland.” This is a Bonerland award, not a U.S. one.
You get a medal of Freedom medal, and You get a medal of Freedom Medal, and You get a medal of Freedom Medal . . . .
David Stockton was famously taken to the woodshed for saying that supply side economics was gift to the rich.
“Trumponomics: Inside the America First Plan to Revive Our Economy.”
Step 1: destroy it
Step 2: leave the mess to the next president