Tweet storm from the throne. Someone just buy him diapers and save all of us from his crap. pun intended
“I am a very stable genius”
Note to Mr. Starr: Sure–the President is perfectly within his rights to fire, or compel others to fire, whomever he wants within the administration. That’s not obstruction in and of itself.
Motives for doing so, though, are another matter entirely.
Today is the day the Golden State Warriors are in DC, not visiting him. (ETA: they’re taking local kids to the African American History Museum instead.)1
I really thought he’d save some Execufefe Time to rant about that …
Have the Russian Bots calmed down a bit? He’s at 16 thousand likes after a half hour. I seem to remember he used to get 40 to 50 thousand likes within a matter of minutes.
FOX should broadcast from wherever Trump is: the WH, Mar-a-Lago, the perp walk, court, prison…
Kudos for the excellent use of Execufefe.
Quoting Jonathan Turley and Ken Starr. LOL! Why not just quote Ivanka, Donnie Jr., and Eric, Donald?
Remember when we were being told in all earnestness that President Trump was far, far too busy with “executive time” to watch TV?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
I was expecting something about Gov. Inslee after the Governor called Trump out in front of the cameras.
Does anyone remember the day that Bill Clinton overstepped his bounds as chief executive by firing Ken Starr when he was investigating his administration with nearly unfettered prosecutorial power and intimidation?
I must have missed that. Maybe I was too busy reading the 2,000,000 words that “liberal rag” the NYT was printing about the America-destroying Whitewater scandal at the time.
Thank heavens that now the NYT has balanced journalists like Maggie Haberman and women’s rights activist Glenn Thrush!
Patience. The day is young.
I’m surprised he has time to Tweet at all, considering he is flying across the country stopping school shootings and robberies at 7-11s with his bullet-deflecting man-boobs.
It’s still early, and he probably forgot. Wait until Fox goes balls to the walls screaming about those uppity ingrates that dared to snub Fat Nixon.
o/t Meanwhile - despite the first congressman Duncan Hunter being exposed (while in office) as corrupt, the district elected his son who has now been exposed (while in office) as corrupt. Yet now the GOP finally is re-thinking this…
“uppity ingrates” - Today’s entry in “Anagrams for Racists”
How does the innocent man react?
What the hell happened to Turley? His brain seems to have been rewired and deranged like Dennis Miller’s.