Discussion: Trump Gets Pressed On His Birtherism: 'I Say Nothing'

Delusional lying flim flam man. So, Obama should have produced the birth certificate years before? When should Obama have produced his birth certificate? And for what reason?

This was it…the best moment…for me. This was humiliating for him to have to utter. It is the closest you will ever get a person deep in their narcissism to go towards an admission of guilt and wrongness. Clinton had other more applase-y quips tonight, but this was the moment he ate the shit sammich she had prepared for him. To utter those words was to admit it all and concede the point while desperately, pathetically clinging to some semblence, however superficial and not credible, of infallibility.


My money says there will not be a second debate. Trump was utterly humiliated, tonight. In addition to being emotionally unstable and completely unqualified, he is also not particularly intelligent. And of course he can’t say hello without lying. He won’t be back for more.


Trump went on to say that he “developed very, very good relationships over the last little while with the African-American community.”

And he later had the audacity of accusing Clinton and other politicians of cynically appealing to blacks during each election season and then, after the election, telling them, “See you later. I’ll see you in four years.” Chiselin’ Trump has absolutely no self-awareness!

I’ve been reading the commentary and comments. Trump did not look good on his taxes, on the Birther Baloney, on global security, etc, did not act good like a reasonable person, and won no one. He looks unintelligent, unknowledgeable, and full of nothing but bluster, pettiness, and bullying attempts. He will not return to the debating format–and will blame Hillary, the Mainstream Media, and Sidney Blumenthal. He’s what we call an asshole.


As much as I would like to see The Talented Mr. Trumply complete this campaign, I can’t help seeing him drop it like a hot potato and claiming he’s achieved everything he wanted. He’s the original it’s all good schmuck. What a winner.

With his “I say nothing” remark, Trumpet was channeling Sergeant Schultz so hard, the former producers of Hogan’s Heroes and John Banner’s estate will make bank :wink:


Donnie, don’t worry. Black America gets it. You felt the need to try and humiliate the first Black POTUS. Barack Obama handed your ass to you during the WHCD. You have been seething ever since.

If I were BO, I would have told you where you could shove your demand to see my bc. But then he’s a better person than I am. Trying to delegitimize BO will never go down well with our community. So don’t have anything to say to us. We will however, have lots to say to you come November 8th, 2016.

Thank you HRC for cleaning his clock! GIRLS ROCK!


He already had, when he first ran for President. But that version wasn’t good enough for the conspiracy theorists delusional racists. Neither was the long-form, for that matter.

My thoughts exactly.

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That would be a unique way of doing the debates:
Trump is so humiliated that he refuses to show up for the other debates, so they’re forced to invite Johnson. But then Hillary eviscerates him too, so he won’t show up for the last one either. So the media turns to Stein, who also gets demolished by Hillary. Just to really drive home that she’s the only reasonable choice (she’s the only one in this race who’s scientifically literate, if you can believe that).

But then, what would they do for the Vice Presidential debate? :wink:

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To call this poseur scum is to flatter scum. The man is a pisspot. Would someone please explain why he is a thing?

What level of humanity does he inhabit? Double-wide, or, …

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I guess we now know, who will answer that 3AM phone call in a Trump presidency: Sean Hannity !


Didn’t Trump also question Cruz’s birthplace and citizenship? Rubio’s? He really gets stuck repeating the same BS.


Yes. Yes he did. I believe he even threatened a lawsuit against Cruz.

(And yet, Cruz still endorsed him).

The only thing I can figure behind the endorsements by Republican that obviously know he’s a nut job is they are thinking they can either control him somehow or they will kick him out ( maybe they have something on him?) and put Pence in who’s more normal and controllable.

I actually joked about an immediate impeachment from his own party here.

And there’s probably enough shady (and outright illegal) dealings on Trump’s part to justify it too.

Except it would definitely cost them the voters they were so afraid of losing during the primaries (which is why they didn’t do anything to prevent Trump’s rise then).