Discussion: Trump Fed Up With Media, 'Cannot State' Dishonestly 'Strongly Enough'

Truly the musings of an innocent and stable genius. Sad.


Trump, meet Mirror…


Hair fuhrer should just use the original German expression that Adolf coined… lugenpresse.


jmacaz (and likely many others) Fed up with Trump and the supposedly liberal media which cannot state strongly enough how dishonest Trump and his entire administration are.

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Interesting piece in Slate this morning with a different take on Trump’s personality, the idea being that he seems to exhibit the traits of antisocial personality disorder and that may well govern what we see in the coming months. Here is is. Fits as well with everything he does as the malignant narcissism theory.


Note that “books” are now the enemy of the people as well. A good old fashion book burning on the WH lawn is probably next.


I keep reading over these tweets and cannot believe that anyone can accept this from the President of the United States of America. WHAT an embarassment


Putin and Hannity direct every move he makes and every word he says. In the old days Presidents made decisions for the good of the nation instead of their fragile little egos.


Excellent article.

It starts off by stating that Trump gets 9 out of 9 on the DSM-5 criteria for NPD and goes on to list 7 traits of anti-social personality disorder… By my rekoning he gets a 7 out of 7 on this too.

I think we have finally found where Trump’s calling should have been. As a subject of psychological studies.


The thing is he’s nuts. Once that is understood the rest of the world comes back into order.


Wait. Trump is complaining that a videotape of him talking to Lester Holt is fake news? There reaches a point where it’s so ludicrous, I don’t know how to respond or see how he has any followers at all.


So, are you suggesting that Christian Scientology is the same thing as antisocial personality disorder? @grack, i believe, recently pointed out a study that reveals startling similarities between the Dotard’s rhetoric, and L. Ron Hubbard. Not doubting your take, but those two conditions do dovetail quite nicely.

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Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Or, more likely, didn’t get any sleep at all last night. This is what he does instead of reading briefings from his advisors about what is happening in the world, you know, places like North Korea, the Middle East, world financial markets, etc. Hey snowflake, Google Presidential responsibilities.


You’d have to ask him; I said nothing of the sort. The only assertion I’m making is that people might find the article interesting, and the article doesn’t say a damn thing about Scientology.

On his website, the author supplies the following paragraph about the Supreme Court nomination that was cut from the Slate version:

Recruiting independent actors to resist Trump is difficult. Trump
skillfully uses intimidation, direct and indirect threats, and offers of
power to recruit new supporters who will walk to the microphone, as
Brett Kavanaugh did, and speak to the world of Trump’s unprecedented greatness.
Exhibiting a glaring lack of judicial independence, Kavanaugh opened
his nomination speech with a no holds barred endorsement of Trump’s
character, stating, “No president has ever consulted more widely, or
talked with more people from more backgrounds, to seek input about a
Supreme Court nomination.” Never mind that reflective consultation is
anathema to antisocial personalities or that Kavanaugh would have had to
review 230 years of Supreme Court nominations
to support his statement. Soliciting others to lie for them is a common
antisocial strategy. Kavanaugh‘s genuflection to Trump is a foreboding
example of how far and deep Trump’s power and influence run.


Yeah. That appointment is very worrisome.


“Buy Dianetics By L. Ron Hubbard Today Wherever Fine Books Our Sold!!!”
“New York Times #1 Best Seller Of The Entire Universe!!!”
“Endorsed By Tom Cruise And His Couch!!!”

What? Not enough explanation points?


I have not read the article yet. But heck, it is like heading to class and getting a reading assignment every single day here.


Honestly, I’d be ok with banning Twitter entirely if it shut this guy up.