Discussion: Trump Family Sues Deutsche Bank, Capital One To Halt Subpoenas From House

They must be afraid of proving their innocence. Anything to protect people from the shock of discovering their self-professed lily-white reputations are true. Such a selfless family. Amirite?


Watcha’ Hidin’ Donnie?
Asking for a friend


If you don’t like to be “harassed”, you shouldn’t have harassed politics in the first place. FFS separate your family from politics.
Those are not private info when your family members keep messing with politics.


IANAL, but I don’t think the suits themselves put a halt to banks complying with House subpoenas, do they? I don’t read anywhere Trumpco requested a restraining order pending a request to a judge to order a halt of compliance. So, if and when that stage is reached will a judge intercede on behalf of Trump, and in opposition to House oversight?


So awesome to know that if you don’t want to comply with a subpoena all you have to do is to claim that it’s politically motivated or that it is intended to harass you. This must be what they mean by making America great.


“rummage through his businesses”?
Do you know he’s not allowed to do business during his time in the WH?


Bank accounts are not much protected under the 4th amendment. See US v. Miller (1976). Trump has gotten himself into this pickle by failing to do the standard financial disclosures from the start and putting his business assets in trust while serving as president. The Constitution never foresaw a president who might spend part of the week at the White House doing national business and part of the Week at his golf club doing his personal business, because the conflicts of interest were manifest. I would make it clear to the banks and their shareholders that some day Trump will be gone, but banking supervision and the issuance of banking licenses will continue. Banks that conspire against the US may not keep their licenses.


So essentially they’re saying Congress shouldn’t get the information because the Trumpsters don’t want it to have it because the info is being requested for nefarious political purposes. I wonder why Hilary never used this argument? Could it be because it’s without any merit? How can it be used for evil purposes if it simply shows how wealthy they are and how honest they’ve been? I’m shocked, shocked.


The abomination is now seeking to extend executive privilege to his family. Soon it’ll be his family and friends. Seems like an attempt to codify the legal concept of IOKIYAR.

No way this passes muster in an uncorrupted system of justice.


Yes, it’s a federal lawsuit filed against Deutsche Bank and Capital One precisely to prevent them from responding to the subpoenas.

It will be interesting to see a judge divine House intent, siding with Trump’s assertion of intent and proclaiming House motivations are tainted, and basically they’re lying as to the purpose of their requests. Seemingly any House request remotely plausible would have to be taken at face value, but in today’s judiciary I trust nothing. And Trump will appeal any adverse rulings all the way to SCOTUS, where he’s assured of a far friendlier hearing than any of the inferior courts.


Trump & Co unfortunately seem to succeed with their delaying tactics - hopefully there will be a shitstorm waiting for him after noon on the 20th of January 2021


It looks to me that Trump is saying, “Impeach him.”

(Third Person, of course… :laughing:)


Just include all these frivolous, meritless, delaying-tactic lawsuits seeking to obstruct Congressional oversight into additional articles of impeachment.


The Deutsche Bank subpoena was cited last night as an example of “getting around” Trump’s ban on WH and Administration and staffer info.

I do not believe that Trump can, in any event, squelch all information of him getting out…thus, as rick above stated, making the Obstruction even worse…


[quote=“steviedee111, post:12, topic:87424”]
It will be interesting to see a judge divine House intent, siding with Trump’s assertion of intent and proclaiming House motivations are tainted, and basically they’re lying as to the purpose of their requests. Seemingly any House request remotely plausible would have to be taken at face value, but in today’s judiciary I trust nothing. And Trump will appeal any adverse rulings all the way to SCOTUS, where he’s assured of a far friendlier hearing than any of the inferior courts.
[/quote]Of course, the Republicans on SCOTUS said they can’t divine and can’t consider Trump’s intent on such things as his Muslim ban, even when he comes right out and states it plainly and repeatedly. But, they’ll magically be able to know precisely and without any doubt whatsoever that the Democrats in Congress have only nefarious intent, and absolutely no legitimate purpose in issuing these subpoenas or trying to gather any other information from documents and testimony.


You know I think it’s time that when articles refer to “Trump’s lawyers” that they need to be identified as personal lawyers working at such and such firm, as opposed to personal lawyers such as Rudy that act as his mouthpiece, and government lawyers such as those 17 lawyers Trump hired at the beginning of the year to deal with what? Maybe some sort of color code chart would help keep who in what capacity is doing what for Trump, is red personal and yellow gov’t.


And of course all the birther crap, not to mention little things like Bengazi, were undertaken by those with motives pure as the driven snow.
Sauce for the goose, Republicans.
And that would be true even if we were doing this only out of spite.
And we’re not. “Follow the money” is always good advice.


If Deutsche Bank has already submitted financial documents concerning Trump to the NYAG for similar reasons I would expect them to just ignore this suit. I can’t see how this could work even as a delay tactic.