Discussion: Trump Falls For Comedian's Prank Call While Aboard Air Force 1

In response, Trump said he wanted to take care of the situation “every bit as much as anybody else” and went on to cite his standard position on immigration reform.

still relevant


It’ll be a bad day in the WH phones office. Thoughts and prayers…


“he will attempt to make an example out of Mr. Melendez in an effort to repair his damaged ego.”

Safe bet.



In one or two decades, most people won’t believe any of this actually happened. The whole Trump era will be denied by the majority of people, even people who lived through it, as nothing more that a giant hoax. And that, unfortunately, is the reason we won’t learn much from this experience.

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Nah. They’ve won, so they get to write the history. Just wait till they get their hands on the history books when Rand McNally and others write Trump’s presidency in a way they don’t like. There will be calls for a complete and utter overhaul of the manner in which kids are taught history…heck, there already are, but they’ve taken a backseat to other things, like their efforts at systemic changes designed to forever rig the elections.

Menendez has hired Michael Avenatti to represent him.

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“Congratulations, great job. You went through a tough, tough situation and I don’t think a very fair situation, but congratulations.” What Trump was referring to wasn’t clear.

Don’t worry it wasn’t clear to Donald either, as usual, he was just making it up as he went along.


Trump Lauds Self Over ‘Great Deal’ After Purchasing Brooklyn Bridge: Report

President Trump today scolded reporters for overlooking his purchase of the Brooklyn Bridge. His purchase, says Trump, “was a great deal, an unbelievable deal.” The transaction was conducted over the phone while Trump was aboard Air Force One.

“Of course the fake news media will not mention a word of this amazing deal,” says Trump, “but rather focus on bogus witch hunts.”

This is the fourth time since becoming president that Trump has purchased the Brooklyn Bridge, and the second bridge Tump reportedly purchased within the five boroughs of New York City.