Discussion: Trump Extends Barr's Authorities In Probe Of Alleged 2016 Campaign 'Spying'

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Who’s gonna pay for that?

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“The Purge” has begun.

Loyalty tests will be given to all Government Employees and those found “lacking” will be expelled from “The Body”.

Seig Heil.


Amazing, the guy who straight up lied to the American people gets more authority. How very Republican.


Failing upwards is the only method of promotion in the GOP.


The abomination has now ordered the Department of Injustice to thoroughly investigate Nancy Pelosi to find out if she is behind the spying done on him and his campaign. He’s commanded the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Bikers for Trump to devote their full resources to the investigation. MAGA, Baby!

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He also gave Barr the authority to declassify any of those agencies’ records

So when do we get to see his tax returns?


This situation is like removing siding on your house to replace it, and finding that all of the supports are riddled with termites.


Systematically smearing any source of criticism, any investigative power that could reveal the corruption. I think and hope it’s too late for this, and that the majority sees Trump for what he is. But this is a no-limits move to classic authoritarian denial of reality. It was the intelligence community trying to “take down” a blameless candidate at the instigation of the Democrats and traitors with those agencies. The Attorney General is leading this effort. In other news, good morning, folks.


William Barr should be impeached first.


By selectively declassifying and misleadingly describing material that other agencies have now been directed to give him, Barr can try to turn conspiracy theory and fiction into reality.

Hopefully, the media will not lend it credence in its reporting, but will call it out for the con it will be. Do not give the American people any reasons to believe it could possibly be true.


Trump is basically saying to Barr “I give you all the authority you need to make up whatever you need to find to give me what I need.”


Just watch. As Barr begins to review the evidence and the reasons for the “spying”, he will get very quiet. He will find out what he should already know, and what most private citizens already know: that Trump is guilty as hell, was surrounded by staff who were also guilty as hell, and that these Keystone Krooks tripped every alarm with the intelligence agencies during and after the campaign. I dare Barr to release those findings.

Also, watch for some very damning leaks to come from the IC. They aren’t going to take this. Fat Nixon and his pet toad are going to lose this pissing match.


I think we are.


This is exactly what’s going to happen. They’ll build their own reality and when Democrats finally do start impeachment hearings they’ll look like they’re being punitive.

Funny, when have they ever done the right thing? No, they’ll play right along. I wish we had a master tactician somewhere, the house maybe, that could counter these kinds of things…

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And, why would anyone cooperate with Barr and tRump on anything when they’ve been the most deceitful non-cooperative players?
Turnabout is fair play.

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Trump Extends Barr’s Authorities In Probe Of Alleged 2016 Campaign ‘Spying’

And with it a nice little hat


Barr knows that shit already, he doesn’t care, the whole point is to get “facts” out there to support their reality.


Trump’s been ranting about the cost of Mueller investigation for years. JFC.

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Well, I understand that, technically, it made a profit due to seizure. So, perhaps Manafort is paying for it all.