Discussion: Trump: 'Excellent Preliminary Meeting' With Schumer, 'Making Progress'

That smells to me like the usual opportunistic DINOs trying to make a deal, even if it throws the Dems and DACA under a bus, so they can claim they are the bipartisan heroes who averted a shutdown. I can’t fucking stand Heitkamp, Manchin and some of the others.

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This is exactly what I thought (except, not quite as colorfully as you did).

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I would have gone with fruitcake, but to each their own.

I’m concerned as well. The list of Democratic attendees there includes three Cavers, and a number that seem likely to be Cave-curious.

Seems possible that this group was looking for some kind of “third way.” Maybe a one week CR, with promises to work on a DACA deal in the meantime, something like that.

The problem is, THIS is the moment of maximum leverage for Dems. Trump’s one-year anniversary, which he wants to spend doing a victory lap, not presiding over a Shutdown, is THIS weekend, not next weekend.


This just in and I am a tad bit nervous.

Women’s march is tomorrow, for good measure. Trump is stuck in DC with a giant crowd of angry women AGAIN.


What’s in the House amendment?

Might be a good thing to know, doncha think?



ETA House amendment to Senate Amendment?

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Behold the madness of King Donald!

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I’m sure you meant one year, but I really liked this better.


Sooooo no bigly display of military might and hardware? He be so jellin"


I’m sure Kelly has scheduled six hours of executive time so Trump can play Call of Duty.

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I wonder what would happen if instead of the pussyhats they all wore Ivanka masks and carried C’ville tiki torches?


This is SOP for Republicans. Josh is right, Republicans will own this shutdown just like they did the others. There was no reason for this to happen. GOP incompetence brought us to this point. The majority is not going to change their minds about this administration over this, it is baked in.


And one of those angry women is his wife. Talk about national humiliation. Jeez. Spanky really stepped in it this time.


And with Chiselin’ Trump, it’s a YUUUUUGE waist.

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Separate bedrooms, a child she (by all accounts) truly loves, and all the wine the WH kitchen staff can haul in with both hands. Melania can take care of Melania.

Trumpian adjectives - the definitive list:

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I understand that he often lies about watching TV.

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