Discussion: Trump Election Commission Apologizes To Judge For Not Posting Public Docs

Nothing so sincere as a perjurious apology.


Anyone else sick of the disingenuous bullshit this bogus entity is laying down?How does a fucking demonstrable liar and huckster working for the biggest liar /huckster in American history get cover for consistently trying to con the public.Ask the despicable Don why findings that comes out of this shit show won’t be anything other than “fake news”


truly an honest misunderstanding

And not our usual corrupt misunderstanding…

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did anyone ask the follow up question?

are the only ‘reports’ that the commission is prepared to consider are the ‘reports’ from the Heritage Foundation?

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Kobach’s sense of entitlement is profound. He’s so convinced that he can do whatever the hell he wants, he keeps making really stupid legal mistakes.


Kobach has already been cited for presenting false documents and fined…

He is a real skank. Just like donnie fat arse fraud…another doppelganger for drumpfs team…

Let’s re-frame your statement and assess whether Kobach has the motivation to limit his mistakes:

Arpaio’s sense of entitlement is profound. He’s so convinced that he can do whatever the hell he wants, he keeps making really stupid legal mistakes.


"At a hearing on the President’s voter fraud panel Wednesday, a federal judge called the commission’s failure to meet transparency requirements ahead of its meetings “incredible”

Oh, the irony….

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All those who believe Kobach’s excuses- step this way, you are warmly invited to my home for a game of poker tomorrow evening.

Don’t forget your wallet.

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse for following the mandates of the law. Kobach may be ignorant of the law,but it is by choice. He is a lawyer,the so-called Commission has lawyers representing it. In other words, it was blatant contemptuous behavior by a behemoth of ignorance,Kobach. Hopefully, the Court will fine him for his behavior.


Hopefully, the Court will issue an order of Cease and Desist.

Note that their ‘binders full of information’ were provided by the Heritage Foundation. Who do you think is going to be the primary recipient of the the new national voter database this committee produces?

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They are very, very sorry and promised to never, ever do it again. I hope Judge Kollar-Kotelly lands on them with both feet. I enjoy a good “bench slap.”

I always like references to Guillotines and fond of saying, “What America needs is a French Revolution!”, but can you change your name, it hurts my brain, and would not mind seeing his head in the basket.

“The error was made by an unpaid intern inexplicably given a great amount of responsibility and authority who has now been sacked.”


Spot on! In any government organization I’ve been part of the managers would absolutely make sure that the order of a court would be executed by the staff.

The simple, easy answer is that Kodach and his team wants to avoid public scrutiny while they consider what to do in response to the “findings” of a study from which the outcomes have been predetermined by the Heritage Foundation…

Yeah… you just know that this guy is lying through his teeth.
One of Trump’s bunch of crooks and cons…
And, of course, blame a clerk.

Excellent thought experiment.

Kobach is consistent, when he marches in his pointy hat he covers his face, when he meets to scheme against minorities voting, he doesn’t open the meeting.

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Sure does give you confidence that they’ll follow all the rules for maintaining the information they’re collecting, and that none of it will be accidentally altered by a typo in a script written by an outside contractor.