Discussion: Trump: 'Drain The Swamp' Should Be 'Drain The Sewer,' Starting With Media

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It is actually much worse than anyone ever thought, and it begins with the Republicans.


The President began the week claiming that Washington, D.C. is “much worse than anyone ever thought,”

Of course it is worse than anyone could have thought. Got that way the day you and your co-conspirators arrived.


FIFY, Drumpfie.


Serious question: Can he keep projecting panic this way and hold on to his base? He got them in his corner by playacting the alpha male. All this sniveling and whining and finger-pointing can’t help. They’ll excuse him up to a point but jeeze.


Poor Donnie.

Poor, poor Donnie.

I hope he never stops whining and bitching.


It has only been 6 months. Where will be as a country be in 6 MORE months. By the time 4 years are over, the republic may very well have been destroyed. :frowning:


“it’s actually much worse than anyone ever thought”

“There are child-trafficking rings operating out of the basements of pizza parlors all over DC. Many people have told me this. That’s why we have to get this adoption thing with Russia straightened out. My family and staff are working on it full time.”


Remember that included among his base are preppers and survivalists who have been stockpiling for years and years, regardless of reality — there are many for whom this black and evil worldview is spot-on.

Also, remember that the “end of the world RWNJs” (also included in his base) get disappointed but not discouraged when, in fact, it doesn’t arrive on the anticipated date, but rather find another date for the End.

And lastly, remember, there are (way too) many for whom this is just reality TV and incredibly entertaining. Trumpsters against the Libtards — who’s getting kicked off the island tonight???


“Nothing’s been found in a year of investigation, just let it go”

–Said every prominent Republican about !Benghazi!, e-mail-gate and Obama’s Birth Certificate.



Trump Modeling Agency may be under investigation for human trafficking
This is one of those possible crimes which I have been saying will shock people. Trump is very likely not guilty of some evil but dry conspiracy. When the full truth of his criminality comes out, there is no way Republicans will support him. That’s my scenario.


In the words of Rick Wilson, he could take a dump on their living room coffee tables and they’d turn it into a shrine. They love him because we don’t, and nothing’s going to change that.


What planet are you living on?

Someone could leak the russian video of Trump, have it show him engaged in homosexual acts with Putin while they’re getting golden showers from strippers in Nazi outfits, have Trump pledging his love and allegiance to Putin and Russia, and the Republicans still wouldn’t abandon him.


More specifically Trump and his inner circle.

Silly comment. Of course there are limits.

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I can’t argue with a bit of that, they’re all excellent observations and certainly people don’t drop their heroes willingly. But still, he’s inevitably in the process of being exposed as an historic fake. He campaigned on his fantasies of mastery, and he’s being shown to be not smart, not tough, not honest, not masterful, not confident, not possessed of all the answers. He’s showing himself to be a dull-witted crybaby who throws himself on the ground sobbing when things don’t go his way. A lot of people liked the original version, and may have their doubts about the new and not improved one. Contact with reality will do that to spurious heroes. So I wonder.

That’s why he’s allowed and encouraged to be offensive. I’m not sure they’re going to love him as a weakling, though; I have yet to be persuaded of that. But anything’s possible, we’ve had our noses rubbed in that one enough.


The only reason the news is “fake” is because President* Lying Littledick keeps lying.

I cannot think of a single example of Lying Littledick intentionally telling the truth.

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Pitiful, weak loser.


What else is there to say?


Really. Do tell. Because we’ve blown past every basic norm of human decency and decorum expected of our leaders, with hardly a shoulder-shrug from the Republicans.

Don’t make your memory too short-- some of them even tried to prevent any investigations from getting underway in the House and Senate of the Russians attempting to hack our elections.