Discussion: Trump Downplays Market Fears After Brexit Vote: It 'Shouldn't Even Affect' US

Trump was visiting one of his golf resorts on Saturday, outside
Aberdeen, Scotland, and he offered this assessment for his countrymen:
“This shouldn’t even affect them, frankly, if it’s done properly, if we
had proper leadership.”

Leadership? really? That’s what controls the markets? Then the Brexit vote didn’t cause the 600+ point drop in our stock market I guess… Trump is saying the markets world wide aren’t interconnected? Just stunningly ignorant.

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Trump Downplays Market Fears After Brexit Vote: It ‘Shouldn’t Even Affect’ US

Fucking buffoon

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tRump is such a bullshitter, really makes me wonder about his followers…oy vey!

Trump was visiting one of his golf resorts on Saturday, outside Aberdeen, Scotland, and he offered this assessment for his countrymen: "This shouldn't even affect them, frankly, if it's done properly, if we had proper leadership."

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee later told reporters that the stock market’s fall on Friday was due to Wall Street’s worries about President Barack Obama’s economic policies and the U.S. debt.

Is this journalism or is this stenography? Where is there a counterveiling viewpoint? Why does anyone anywhere take anything Trump says at face value? Jesus Christ on a pogo stick.

Q: How many Exxon captains does it take to run a tanker aground?

A: One and a fifth.

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Buy when a Dem wins. Sell when the GOP wins.
That’s the way to make money in the market.


Also, if the market will do what the president says, why did it plummet into the basement when Bush was pres?

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Tomorrow, Trump will be downplaying his reversearoo and saying that he never said what he said because now brexit bad and now Obama good but Hillary bad and Bernie OK.

Trump being tested just means asking him anything about anything, live, on-going and/or important. His over-valued orangeness will go into flap mode and then backflap mode before the original dumb has set in.

Wise money say; bet with Obama, hedge on the economy and sell fucking Trump real fucking fast.

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In Trump’s case, half of zero is still zero. He just needs to file more Chapter 11s sooner.


He has no idea, period, about anything!

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The wonder of abject stupidity is that it self-multiplies every time people possessing that trait speak. Trump’s mouth not only resembles an asshole, it produces the same product.

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Therefore, Donald J. Trump is the George Costanza of 2016.


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Once again, Trump proves that despite his pompous bluff and bluster, he really is a complete ignoramus spouting gibberish.

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It shouldn’t affect multinational profits as we vulture capitalists have our asses covered either way…says the man whose casinos have gone broke four times. The odds of something going wrong go up proportionately when The Donald is calculating risk. Would you buy a used car from this man?

Deciding a question of this magnitude on a simple majority vote was a blunder of historic proportions. At the very lease, Cameron should have insisted on a 60 percent vote to trigger action.

The last line made me literally LOL…

Trump: “I have a lot of friends in Germany who have always been really proud Germans to a level you wouldn’t believe,” he said.

For once, he’s said something that I have no problem believing.


From the chairman of economics dept Trump university!
Fn fool!

Not exactly. The market capitalization on the world’s stock exchanges dropped by $2 T. It was a paper loss except for people who were selling stock. Stocks are not included in any definition of money that I’m aware of, for precisely that reason.

I am not trivializing the loss of value: my retirement accounts took a hit Friday. They will likely be hit again tomorrow. Still it’s important to remember that nothing in the productive side of the economy (the real economy) has happened yet. What happens there will depend on how the final divorce settlement agreement looks. If it even comes to a divorce – I am beginning to wonder about that.

Frankly, I think Cameron made a mistake in resigning. He should have resigned after calling a snap election. Whoever his successor may be will lack legitimacy. If anything is needed in the Article 50 negotiations it’s that the electorate see the government as legitimate.

Pay attention, kiddies.