Discussion: Trump Doubles Down On Pelosi: 'You Think Nancy Is The Same As She Was? She's Not'

Time to get the little doll out. OK little dotard point to the spot where she hurt your brain.
No, your brain is not up there; it’s below and behind.


A master at projection if ever there was one.


Is Nancy Pelosi helping the country? I suppose that might be debated, but at least she isn’t just helping herself to the country, like you are doing, Trump.


This is now Exhibit A in my argument to stop “finding common ground” with Republicans and Trump supporters. They don’t deserve any more olive branches – they deserve to all be voted out of office.


Cue a doctored Trump speech video in 3…2…1

Not that it needs doctoring, there is at least one example I can think of where he had slurred speech. But what the hell. Fight fire with fire, if only as an example of how people need to start paying attention to this stuff. This is only the start of what we’re going to see as the 2020 election gets closer.


This is no joke. Is there foreign assistance to this false narrative? Our nation is being attacked by a foreign power which seeks to undermine our system of government and it appears to be aligned with the Executive branch and half of the Legislative.


Good to see you back. [Of course, maybe you weren’t away, and I just haven’t read enough comment sections.]


With her weekly breifings and numerous public appearances (all recorded), how come the public never discover Pelosi is different now, you stable genius who hides behind twitters?


True that she’s not the same, Dotard. Now she’s in charge of a majority. She can hurt you in ways you haven’t been hurt since Daddy Warbucks sent you and your bone spurs to military school to get whupped by your betters.

[Edited to address accurate pedantry!]


But we haven’t had access to the actual videos of the meeting between Pelosi, Shumer and the dotard yet have we. KAC said there were tapes and lordy I do hope that’s the one true thing she has said over the past two years.


As long as he’s lamenting things not being as they were, he might want to take a good look at his hair.


So what?

Trump is still covering up his crimes.

Which is Obstruction

Which resulted in a previous Republican president’s resignation.

Which bodes ill for YOU

Which makes YOUR future much more horrible than Nancy Pelosi’s

Not only for your miserable life

But long after it ends

As the absolute worst person ever holding elected office in these United States


I don’t think it’s dangerous. The video is being presented as having been doctored everywhere. Only Trump’s pack of fools who love him are loving this.

So I actually think it’s more damaging to Trump. And to us. I mean it, hearing him say this kind of shit is personally painful to me. But I’d wager Pelosi isn’t pained – or surprised. She knew she was throwing down a gauntlet and I think she knows what to expect from this two-bit bully more than any of us do. He’s exposing himself here, not anything about Pelosi, and I’d wager it’s okay with her.

Besides, Act II is still to come.


I’m trying to think of the oranges of any tRump speeches. Got any ideas?


Hey genius the reason Nancy looks different to you is because you’re so goddamn dumb. You are the one that suffers from senility lying narcissism can’t remember one lie and one day to the next it’s you that’s changed stupid. Shut the F up the more you talk the dumb are you sound. And by the way go F yourself.

By the way stupid only an idiot would unveil a bail out plan for farmers who created the shortfall in the first place. Only an idiot would Collett somehow a good thing. You are a moron.

Welcome to the kind of evidence of malice that will get you past a motion to dismiss in a defamation suit as a public figure.


Pedant alert: She’s Speaker of the House, not Majority Leader (which is Steny Hoyer).


The party of Strom Thurmond is gonna complain about an official being old and senile?

It is always tea time for that party, it seems.

Curiouser and curiouser…


I am so sick of Republicans and their utter lack of integrity or even shame. Any party that supports voter suppression and doctored video is shameful. Belonging to such a party means you have endorsed their bad stuff, and you are without honor.


I knew something sounded funny about that. But return pedant alert: it’s true in lower case! :slight_smile: Still, the journalist in me must immediately fix…